递归 CTE 将帮助您做到这一点
-- First order all the secondary skills with a row number
with rows as (
empcode, skill, row_number() over (partition by empcode order by skill) as row
from dbo.table_1
where [primary] is null and skill is not null
-- Second use recursive CTE to create concat the values
cte(empcode,skill,row) as (
select empcode, cast(skill as varchar(MAX)), row
from rows where row=1
union all
select r.empcode, cast(concat(c.skill, ',', r.skill) as varchar(MAX)), r.row
cte c inner join rows r on r.row = c.row + 1
-- Third sort the resulting CTE so that can filter to only the end of
--the recursive chain
ordered(empcode,skill,row) as (
select empcode,skill, row_number() over (Partition by empcode order by row desc)
from cte
-- Now fetch the results
t.empcode,t.name, t.skill as [primary skill], o.skill as [secondary skill]
table_1 t
left outer join ordered o on t.empcode=o.empcode and o.row=1
where t.[Primary] = 'Yes'