将 Django 项目推送到 Heroku master 时出现此错误。我是 Django 的新手。任何帮助将不胜感激。

-----> 使用 Pip (1.2.1) 安装依赖项下载/解包 Brlapi==0.5.5(来自 -r requirements.txt(第 1 行))找不到任何满足要求的下载 Brlapi==0.5。 5(来自 -r requirements.txt(第 1 行))根本没有找到 Brlapi==0.5.5 的分布(来自 -r requirements.txt(第 1 行))在 /app/.pip/pip.log 中存储完整日志!Heroku 推送被拒绝,无法编译 Python 应用程序

到 git@heroku.com:enigmatic-plateau-3620.git ![remote denied] master -> master (pre-receive hook denied)


1 回答 1


Use the --no-site-packages option to prevent the virtual environment from having access to all the packages on your system.

virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

If you don't need the Brlapi for your Django app, try removing the Brlapi==0.5.5 line from your requirements.txt document. Then, commit the change:

git add requirements.txt
git commit
git push heroku master
于 2013-02-10T23:27:05.897 回答