I'm working on a digital gifting platform that relies on email reaching the inbox. Email is sent through Amazon SES, and has high quality (recipient's name in the email, single recipient, personally crafted message, extremely low bounce and complaint rate). However, I am still seeing very mixed results as to spam filter behaviour. Some get marked as spam some don't on the same ISPs.

I currently have no DKIM, SPF, or Sender ID set (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/authentication.html)

Is there any downside to using all of these together, or should I pick and choose?


1 回答 1



我目前没有 DKIM、SPF 或发件人 ID

您肯定需要 SPF 记录才能从 AWS 可靠地发送电子邮件。由于易于使用,EC2 将成为没有 SPF 的垃圾邮件避风港。请参阅此 SO 答案,该答案描述了如何配置 SPF 以与 EC2 一起使用。不要忘记填写此表格以请求 Amazon 从您的 EC2 实例中删除发送限制。

于 2013-07-07T06:12:36.380 回答