我不知道我应该在亚马逊MWS PHP 库的以下字段中输入什么

define('APPLICATION_NAME', '<Your Application Name>');  
define('APPLICATION_VERSION', '<Your Application Version or Build Number>'); 

如果有人知道亚马逊 MWS 中的应用程序名称和版本,请说明应用程序名称和版本。


3 回答 3


You enter the application name and version. According to a comment in the file you linked to:

* All MWS requests must contain a User-Agent header. The application
* name and version defined below are used in creating this value.

So, the application name and version are used to create the user agent string. You said your application will be used to export your store products to seller central. So use a name like MyProductExporter and the version will be 1.0 and then when you upgrade it you can set the version to 1.1.

So, for example, mine would look something like:

define('APPLICATION_NAME', 'MyAWESOMEProductExporter');  
define('APPLICATION_VERSION', '1.1.391');

So it's for identifying your client via User-Agent - as long as it's unique, put whatever makes sense to you in there.

Hope this helps

于 2013-01-28T11:00:15.547 回答
define('APPLICATION_NAME', 'MarketplaceWebServiceProducts PHP5 Library');
于 2013-04-23T09:51:21.207 回答


用于结算的php composer包

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  • 获取报告请求
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于 2022-01-26T00:16:26.857 回答