我是 Appfog 的新手,没有看到任何有关如何仅上传 html 文件的文档。当它询问我正在使用什么代码时,我不确定要选择什么:它列出了 python、flask、java 等作为选项而不是 html。我在哪里放置我的 html 代码以及默认的 wsgi.py 文件应该做什么?



1 回答 1


如果您想创建一个仅 HTML 的应用程序,请使用 PHP 作为运行时,并且即使 af 工具检测到独立,也不要使用独立:

af push                
Would you like to deploy from the current directory? [Yn]: y
Application Name: [APP NAME]
Detected a Standalone Application, is this correct? [Yn]: n #<< NOPE
1: Rails
2: Spring
3: Grails
4: Lift
5: JavaWeb
6: Standalone
7: Sinatra
8: Node
9: PHP
10: Erlang/OTP Rebar
11: WSGI
12: Django
13: Rack
14: Play
Select Application Type: 9 #<< PHP will do
Selected PHP Application
1: AWS US East - Virginia
2: AWS EU West - Ireland
3: AWS Asia SE - Singapore
4: Rackspace AZ 1 - Dallas
5: HP AZ 2 - Las Vegas
Select Infrastructure: 1
Application Deployed URL [your app name.aws.af.cm]: 
Memory reservation (128M, 256M, 512M, 1G, 2G) [128M]: 
How many instances? [1]: 
Bind existing services to 'app name'? [yN]: n #<< dont need services
Create services to bind to 'app name'? [yN]: n #<< no bindings
Would you like to save this configuration? [yN]: n

确保您的根文件夹有一个 index.html

于 2013-01-30T04:48:46.843 回答