假设在底层 Javascript 引擎中存在Harmony 代理,如何构造一个 CoffeeScript 超类,以便扩展它允许一个类定义一个 noSuchMethod 方法(或 methodMessing)?
假设在底层 Javascript 引擎中存在Harmony 代理,如何构造一个 CoffeeScript 超类,以便扩展它允许一个类定义一个 noSuchMethod 方法(或 methodMessing)?
(注意:我只在 Firefox 中测试过,因为它似乎是唯一支持 Harmony 代理的浏览器。)
class DynamicObject
propertyMissingHandler =
get: (target, name) ->
if name of target
target.propertyMissing name
constructor: ->
return new Proxy @, propertyMissingHandler
# By default return undefined like a normal JS object.
propertyMissing: -> undefined
class Repeater extends DynamicObject
exited: no
propertyMissing: (name) ->
if @exited then "#{name.toUpperCase()}!" else name
r = new Repeater
console.log r.hi # -> hi
console.log r.exited # -> false. Doesn't print "exited" ;)
r.exited = yes
console.log r.omg # -> OMG!
现在,它可以工作了,但它有一个小小的警告:它依赖于“其他类型”的构造函数。也就是说,DynamicObject 的构造函数返回的不是 DynamicObject 实例(它返回包装实例的代理)。其他类型的构造函数有一些微妙和不那么微妙的问题,它们在 CoffeeScript 社区中并不是一个非常受欢迎的特性。
例如,上面的工作(在 CoffeeScript 1.4 中),但只是因为生成的 Repeater 构造函数返回调用超级构造函数的结果(因此返回代理对象)。如果 Repeater 有不同的构造函数,它将无法工作:
class Repeater extends DynamicObject
# Innocent looking constructor.
constructor: (exited = no) ->
@exited = exited
propertyMissing: (name) ->
if @exited then "#{name.toUpperCase()}!" else name
console.log (new Repeater yes).hello # -> undefined :(
constructor: (exited = no) ->
@exited = exited
return super
class DynamicObject
propertyMissingHandler =
get: (target, name) ->
if name of target
target.propertyMissing name
# Use create instead of 'new'.
@create = (args...) ->
instance = new @ args...
new Proxy instance, propertyMissingHandler
# By default return undefined like a normal JS object.
propertyMissing: -> undefined
class Repeater extends DynamicObject
constructor: (exited = no) ->
@exited = exited
# No need to worry about 'return'
propertyMissing: (name) ->
if @exited then "#{name.toUpperCase()}!" else name
console.log (Repeater.create yes).hello # -> HELLO!
class DynamicObject2
methodMissingHandler =
get: (target, name) ->
return target[name] if name of target
(args...) ->
target.methodMissing name, args
# Use this instead of 'new'.
@create = (args...) ->
instance = new @ args...
new Proxy instance, methodMissingHandler
# By default behave somewhat similar to normal missing method calls.
methodMissing: (name) -> throw new TypeError "#{name} is not a function"
class CommandLine extends DynamicObject2
cd: (path) ->
# Usually 'cd' is not a program on its own.
console.log "Changing path to #{path}" # TODO implement me
methodMissing: (name, args) ->
command = "#{name} #{args.join ' '}"
console.log "Executing command '#{command}'"
cl = CommandLine.create()
cl.cd '/home/bob/coffee-example' # -> Changing path to /home/bob/coffee-example
cl.coffee '-wc', 'example.coffee' # -> Executing command 'coffee -wc example.coffee'
cl.rm '-rf', '*.js' # -> Executing command 'rm -rf *.js'
不幸的是,我找不到一种方法来区分代理处理程序中的属性访问和方法调用,以便 DynamicObject 可以更智能并相应地调用 propertyMissing 或 methodMissing (这很有意义,因为方法调用只是一个属性访问,然后是函数调用)。
如果我必须选择并使 DynamicObject 尽可能灵活,我会选择 propertyMissing 实现,因为子类可以选择他们希望如何实现 propertyMissing 并将丢失的属性视为方法或不。上面根据 propertyMissing 实现的 CommandLine 示例将是:
class CommandLine extends DynamicObject
cd: (path) ->
# Usually 'cd' is not a program on its own.
console.log "Changing path to #{path}" # TODO implement me
propertyMissing: (name) ->
(args...) ->
command = "#{name} #{args.join ' '}"
console.log "Executing command '#{command}'"
cl = CommandLine.create()
r = Repeater.create yes
cl.echo r['hello proxies'] # -> Executing command 'echo HELLO PROXIES!'