
示例 [Python]:

EvenSquareNumbers = ( x * x for x in naturals() if x mod 2 == 0 )



示例:给定无限的偶数列表evens = [ x | x <- [1..], even x ] 我们无法计算

length evens



length evens > 42




sdcvvc 展示了 Haskell 的解决方案:

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

toLazy :: Integer -> Nat
toLazy 0 = Zero
toLazy n = Succ (toLazy (n-1))

instance Num Nat where
   (+) (Succ x) y = Succ (x + y)
   (+) Zero y = y
   (*) Zero y = Zero
   (*) x Zero = Zero
   (*) (Succ x) y = y + (x * y)
   fromInteger = toLazy
   abs = id
   negate = error "Natural only"
   signum Zero = Zero
   signum (Succ x) = Succ Zero

len [] = Zero
len (_:x') = Succ $ len x'

-- Test 

len [1..] < 42 



4 回答 4



data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

len :: [a] -> Nat
len = foldr (const Succ) Zero

toLazy :: Int -> Nat
toLazy 0 = Zero
toLazy n = Succ (toLazy (n-1))

a = len [1..] > toLazy 42

那么 a 是 True,这要归功于惰性求值。len 使用 foldr 至关重要,而 foldl 不适用于无限列表。你也可以做一些算术(未经测试):

instance Num Nat where
   (+) (Succ x) y = Succ (x + y)
   (+) Zero y = y
   (*) Zero y = Zero
   (*) x Zero = Zero
   (*) (Succ x) y = y + (x * y)
   fromInteger = toLazy
   abs = id
   negate = error "Natural only"
   signum Zero = Zero
   signum (Succ x) = Succ Zero

例如,2 * infinity + 3 是无穷大:

let infinity = Succ infinity

*Main> 2 * infinity + 3
(Succ (Succ (Succ ^cCc (Succ (Succ (SuccInterrupted.


另一种解决方案是使用 () 列表作为惰性自然数。

len = map (const ())
toLazy n = replicate n () 
a = len [1..] > toLazy 42




将第二个解决方案翻译成 Python:

import itertools

def length(x):
    return itertools.imap(lambda: (), x) 

def to_lazy(n):
    return itertools.chain([()] * n)

要添加数字,请使用 itertools.chain,要乘以使用 itertools.product。这不像在 Haskell 中那么漂亮,但它确实有效。

在任何其他带有闭包的严格语言中,您可以使用 type () -> a 而不是 a 来模拟惰性。使用它可以将第一个解决方案从 Haskell 翻译成其他语言。然而,这很快就会变得不可读。

另请参阅Python one-liners 的一篇不错的文章

于 2009-09-20T16:32:43.540 回答

如果不是因为懒惰,我认为这适用于 F#:

type Nat = Zero | Succ of Nat

let rec toLazy x =
    if x = 0 then Zero
    else Succ(toLazy(x-1))

type Nat with
    static member (+)(x:Nat, y:Nat) =
        match x with
        | Succ(a) -> Succ(a+y)
        | Zero -> y
    static member (*)(x:Nat, y:Nat) =
        match x,y with
        | _, Zero -> Zero
        | Zero, _ -> Zero
        | Succ(a), b -> b + a*b

module NumericLiteralQ =
    let FromZero()          =  toLazy 0
    let FromOne()           =  toLazy 1
    let FromInt32(x:int)    =  toLazy x

let rec len = function
    | [] -> 0Q
    | _::t -> 1Q + len t

printfn "%A" (len [1..42] < 100Q)
printfn "%A" (len [while true do yield 1] < 100Q)


let eqLazy<'T> (x:Lazy<'T>) (y:Lazy<'T>) : bool =  //'
    let a = x.Force()
    let b = y.Force()
    a = b

type Nat = Zero | Succ of LazyNat
and [<StructuralComparison(false); StructuralEqualityAttribute(false)>]
    LazyNat = LN of Lazy<Nat> with
        override this.GetHashCode() = 0
        override this.Equals(o) =
            match o with
            | :? LazyNat as other -> 
                let (LN(a)) = this
                let (LN(b)) = other
                eqLazy a b
            | _ -> false
        interface System.IComparable with
            member this.CompareTo(o) =
                match o with
                | :? LazyNat as other ->
                    let (LN(a)) = this
                    let (LN(b)) = other
                    match a.Force(),b.Force() with
                    | Zero, Zero   -> 0
                    | Succ _, Zero -> 1
                    | Zero, Succ _ -> -1
                    | Succ(a), Succ(b) -> compare a b
                | _ -> failwith "bad"

let (|Force|) (ln : LazyNat) =
    match ln with LN(x) -> x.Force()

let rec toLazyNat x =
    if x = 0 then LN(lazy Zero)
    else LN(lazy Succ(toLazyNat(x-1)))

type LazyNat with
    static member (+)(((Force x) as lx), ((Force y) as ly)) =
        match x with
        | Succ(a) -> LN(lazy Succ(a+ly))
        | Zero -> lx

module NumericLiteralQ =
    let FromZero()          =  toLazyNat 0
    let FromOne()           =  toLazyNat 1
    let FromInt32(x:int)    =  toLazyNat x

let rec len = function
    | LazyList.Nil -> 0Q
    | LazyList.Cons(_,t) -> LN(lazy Succ(len t))

let shortList = LazyList.of_list [1..42]
let infiniteList = LazyList.of_seq (seq {while true do yield 1})
printfn "%A" (len shortList < 100Q)      // true
printfn "%A" (len infiniteList < 100Q)   // false

这说明了为什么人们只在 Haskell 中编写这些东西。

于 2009-09-20T18:47:14.357 回答

您可能可以通过尝试从偶数中获取超过 42 个元素来实现您想要的。

于 2009-09-20T16:01:58.247 回答

不确定我是否理解您的问题,但让我们试一试。也许您正在寻找流。我只会说 FP 语言家族之外的 Erlang,所以...

esn_stream() ->
  fun() -> esn_stream(1) end.

esn_stream(N) ->
  {N*N, fun() -> esn_stream(N+2) end}.


然后您可以将 is_stream_longer_than 函数定义为:

is_stream_longer_than(end_of_stream, 0) ->
is_stream_longer_than(_, 0) ->
is_stream_longer_than(Stream, N) ->
  {_, NextStream} = Stream(),
  is_stream_longer_than(NextStream, N-1).


1> e:is_stream_longer_than(e:esn_stream(), 42).

2> S0 = e:esn_stream().

3> {E1, S1} = S0().
4> {E2, S2} = S1().
5> {E3, S3} = S2().
于 2009-09-20T16:08:34.787 回答