我正在尝试制作缩略图。并且 php 函数有效。我已经用它制作了缩略图。但是,某些文件不起作用。我已经缩小了问题的范围,但现在卡住了。任何帮助,将不胜感激。


html 是一个简单的脚本,带有文件输入设置操作到这个 .php 文件


    $the_name= $_FILES['userfile']['name']; 
    $tmpname = $_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'];  

      $maxisheight= "100";

function img_resize( $tmpname, $size, $save_dir, $save_name, $maxisheight)
$save_dir     .= ( substr($save_dir,-1) != "/") ? "/" : "";
$gis        = getimagesize($tmpname);
$type        = $gis[2];
    case "1": $imorig = imagecreatefromgif($tmpname); break;
    case "2": $imorig = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmpname);break;
    case "3": $imorig = imagecreatefrompng($tmpname); break;
    default:  $imorig = imagecreatefromjpeg($tmpname);

    //check if imorig is set
    if (!isset($imorig)) {
    echo " imorig is not set, ";    

    //I tried setting $x and $y from the width and height of the original file. Still didn't work.
    //although the variables were set.
    //this makes me think the problem is with the imagecreatefromjpeg function.
    list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($tmpname);
    echo "getimagesize width= " . $width . ", ";
    echo "getimagesize height= " . $height . ", ";

    //possible solution, didn't work
    //$x = $width;
    //$y = $height;

    //This is the problem
    $x = imagesx($imorig);
    $y = imagesy($imorig);

    //check that x and y are set
    if (!isset($x) && !isset($y)) {
        echo" x and y are not set,";
    elseif (!isset($x)) {
        echo" x is not set";
    elseif (!isset($y)) {
        echo" y is not set";
    else {
    echo "|x= " . $x . " |";
    echo "|y= " . $y . " |";            

    $woh = (!$maxisheight)? $gis[0] : $gis[1] ;   

    if($woh <= $size)
    $aw = $x;
    $ah = $y;
            $aw = $size;
            $ah = $size * $y / $x;
        } else {
            $aw = $size * $x / $y;
            $ah = $size;
    $im = imagecreatetruecolor($aw,$ah);
    if (!$im) {
        echo " failure: no im variable. ";
    else {

if (imagecopyresampled($im,$imorig , 0,0,0,0,$aw,$ah,$x,$y)) {
    if (!imagejpeg($im, $save_dir.$save_name)) {
        echo "failure";}
        else {
        echo "success";}
else {
    echo" didn't copy resampled";

img_resize( $tmpname, $size, $save_dir, $save_name, $maxisheight);

如果我选择 rush vader.jpg 文件并通过这个函数。它回显了 x 和 y 已设置,显示它们的值和成功。

如果我选择冷静.jpg,它将回显“失败:没有即时变量”。并且 $x 和 $y 变量将没有值。如果我为 x 和 y 变量分配 getimagesize($tmp_name) 中的值,它会回显“没有复制重新采样”。




我回显了每个变量以查看是否有问题。问题似乎出在类型上。类型输出为 6,我从 php 手动注释中发现是 bmp。

我不明白如果扩展名是 .jpg 会怎样……如果是这样的话。是否可以更改类型以使其成为 .jpg、.png 或 .gif?


1 回答 1


图像冷静.jpg 的类型是 6,即 bmp。因此 imagecreatefrom... 将不起作用并且 $imorig 为 NULL。通过从 php 手册中添加一个名为 imagecreatefrombmp 的函数,标签为 6。该函数可以完美运行。


function imagecreatefrombmp($p_sFile)  { 
    //    Load the image into a string 
    $file    =    fopen($p_sFile,"rb"); 
    $read    =    fread($file,10); 
        $read    .=    fread($file,1024); 

    $temp    =    unpack("H*",$read); 
    $hex    =    $temp[1]; 
    $header    =    substr($hex,0,108); 

    //    Process the header 
    //    Structure: http://www.fastgraph.com/help/bmp_header_format.html 
    if (substr($header,0,4)=="424d") 
        //    Cut it in parts of 2 bytes 
        $header_parts    =    str_split($header,2); 

        //    Get the width        4 bytes 
        $width            =    hexdec($header_parts[19].$header_parts[18]); 

        //    Get the height        4 bytes 
        $height            =    hexdec($header_parts[23].$header_parts[22]); 

         //    Get the horz. resolution in pixel per meter, 4 bytes
        $dpix = hexdec($header_parts[39]. $header_parts[38]) * 0.0254;

        //    Get the vert. resolution in pixel per meter, 4 bytes
        $dpiy = hexdec($header_parts[43]. $header_parts[42]) * 0.0254;

        //    Unset the header params 

    //    Define starting X and Y 
    $x                =    0; 
    $y                =    1; 

    //    Create newimage 
    $image            =    imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); 

    //    Grab the body from the image 
    $body            =    substr($hex,108); 

    //    Calculate if padding at the end-line is needed 
    //    Divided by two to keep overview. 
    //    1 byte = 2 HEX-chars 
    $body_size        =    (strlen($body)/2); 
    $header_size    =    ($width*$height); 

    //    Use end-line padding? Only when needed 
    $usePadding        =    ($body_size>($header_size*3)+4); 

    //    Using a for-loop with index-calculation instaid of str_split to avoid large memory consumption
    //    Calculate the next DWORD-position in the body 
    for ($i=0;$i<$body_size;$i+=3) 
        //    Calculate line-ending and padding 
        if ($x>=$width) 
            //    If padding needed, ignore image-padding 
            //    Shift i to the ending of the current 32-bit-block 
            if ($usePadding) 
                $i    +=    $width%4; 

            //    Reset horizontal position 
            $x    =    0; 

            //    Raise the height-position (bottom-up) 

            //    Reached the image-height? Break the for-loop 
            if ($y>$height) 

        //    Calculation of the RGB-pixel (defined as BGR in image-data) 
        //    Define $i_pos as absolute position in the body 
        $i_pos    =    $i*2; 
        $r        =    hexdec($body[$i_pos+4].$body[$i_pos+5]); 
        $g        =    hexdec($body[$i_pos+2].$body[$i_pos+3]); 
        $b        =    hexdec($body[$i_pos].$body[$i_pos+1]); 

        //    Calculate and draw the pixel 
        $color    =    imagecolorallocate($image,$r,$g,$b); 

        //    Raise the horizontal position 

    //    Unset the body / free the memory 

    //    Return image-object 
    return ($image); 
    return ($dpix); 
    return ($dpiy); 


case "6": $imorig = imagecreatefrombmp($tmpname); break;
case "15": $imorig = imagecreatefromwbmp($tmpname); break;

case "3": $imorig = imagecreatefrompng($tmpname); break;


于 2013-01-25T02:06:26.093 回答