如今,我们可以使用 HTML5 来制作应用程序,如 android、firefox os、iPhone、Blackberry 等。但是,我听说 HTML 是一种标记语言,不是用于编程的。即使有了 App 功能,HTML 仍然只是一种标记语言?
4 回答
编程语言具有 HTML5 所缺乏的某些特性,例如分支、循环等。HTML5 为一些交互特性定义了标记,但标记几乎完全是静态的(在元素的定义等中隐含了一些交互)。select
您听到的许多“HTML5”功能根本不是 HTML5,而是您可以在功能适中的浏览器中使用 JavaScript(一种编程语言)执行的操作。
HTML5 越来越多地接管(或已经接管)定义网页结构和API 以从编程语言与它们交互的角色。在 DOM 规范中,这曾经是完全独立的,但现在很多都被合并到 HTML5 规范中。但同样,这只是定义 API。使用这些 API 的实际编码需要(在几乎所有情况下)实际的编程语言。
长答案:不,不是。标准定义的 HTML 只是一种标记语言,与之前的版本完全一样。
顺便说一句,HTML5 的出现伴随着对 Web 的更广泛兴趣以及更强大的技术(例如更新版本的 javascript 和 css),这使得新的 Web 应用程序更加强大和无限。
请阅读这个很棒的资源以了解有关 HTML5 的更多信息。
HTML5 被认为是一种技术。是的,有第 5 版 HTML 标记语言,但您可能不是这个意思。
HTML5 更多地被认为是一种技术,包括 HTML、CSS3 和 javascript 以及它们在浏览器等工具中的大部分支持。所以事实上它可以被认为是需要编程的东西。
Programming do not means Turing Complete Language. It's a linguistic problem, programing means to plan something, and this Html does very well.
program (n.)
1630s, "public notice," from Late Latin programma "proclamation, edict," from Greek programma "a written public notice," from stem of prographein "to write publicly," from pro "forth" (see pro-) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy).
The meaning "written or printed list of pieces at a concert, playbill" is recorded by 1805 and retains the original sense. The sense of "broadcasting presentation" is from 1923.
The general sense of "a definite plan or scheme, method of operation or line of procedure prepared or announced beforehand" is recorded from 1837. The computer sense of "series of coded instructions which directs a computer in carrying out a specific task: is from 1945.
The sense of "objects or events suggested by music" is from 1854 (program music is attested by 1877). Spelling programme, established in Britain, is from French in modern use and began to be used early 19c., originally especially in the "playbill" sense.