我在使用 Capistrano 将Whenever gem 部署到我的生产环境时遇到问题。

问题源于bundle exec whenever触发一些“缺少 gem”问题的命令(但从 shell 运行 bundle install 表明一切都在那里!)。

我的感觉是发生了两件事之一:bundle exec在调用之前 Bundler 没有完全加载,或者在错误的位置运行它的路径问题。


  * executing `deploy'
  * executing `deploy:update'
 ** transaction: start
  * executing `deploy:update_code'
    executing locally: "git ls-remote git@my-source-repository:mysource.git HEAD"
    command finished in 1847ms
  * executing "git clone -q git@my-source-repository:mysource.git /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036 && cd /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036 && git checkout -q -b deploy 90238bbcb993e3e7df2374ffaa13e7ed701c202e && (echo 90238bbcb993e3e7df2374ffaa13e7ed701c202e > /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036/REVISION)"
    servers: ["myip"]
    [myip] executing command
 ** [myip :: out] Enter passphrase for key '/home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa':
 ** [myip :: out]
    command finished in 9294ms
  * executing `deploy:finalize_update'
    triggering before callbacks for `deploy:finalize_update'
  * executing `whenever:update_crontab'
  * executing "cd /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036 && bundle exec whenever --update-crontab My App --set environment=production --roles db"
    servers: ["myip"]
    [myip] executing command
 ** [out :: myip] Could not find carrierwave-0.5.8 in any of the sources
 ** [out :: myip] Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.
    command finished in 1967ms
*** [deploy:update_code] rolling back
  * executing "rm -rf /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036; true"
    servers: ["myip"]
    [myip] executing command
    command finished in 998ms
failed: "rvm_path=/usr/local/rvm /usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm-shell '1.9.3' -c 'cd /domains/myapp/releases/20130124211036 && bundle exec whenever --update-crontab My App --set environment=production --roles db'" on myip


bundle exec whenever --update-crontab

这又由我的 Capistrano deploy.rb 运行。

# Your Application's "Name"
set :application, [My App]

# The URL to your application's repository
set :repository, [repo]
set :scm, :git
set :scm_passphrase, [password]

# The user you are using to deploy with (This user should have SSH access to your server)
set :user, "deploy"

# We want to deploy everything under your user, and we don't want to use sudo
set :use_sudo, false

# Where to deploy your application to.
set :deploy_to, "/domains/myapp/"

# Load RVM's capistrano plugin.    
require "rvm/capistrano"

set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3'
set :rvm_type, :system  # use system-wide RVM

# Require that we use bundler to install necessary gem dependencies
require "bundler/capistrano"

set :whenever_command, "bundle exec whenever"
require "whenever/capistrano"

# -------------------------------- Server Definitions --------------------------------
# Define the hostname of your server.  If you have multiple servers for multiple purposes, we can define those below as well.
set :server_name, [server]

# We're assuming you're using a single server for your site, but if you have a seperate asset server or database server, you can specify that here.
role :app, server_name
role :web, server_name
role :db,  server_name, :primary => true

# -------------------------------- Final Config --------------------------------
# This configuration option is helpful when using svn+ssh but doesn't hurt anything to leave it enabled always.
default_run_options[:pty] = true 

namespace :deploy do
  desc "Tell Passenger to restart the app."
  task :restart do
    run "touch #{deploy_to}current/tmp/restart.txt"

  task :start do
    run "cd #{deploy_to} && ln -s current/public public_html"
    run "touch #{deploy_to}current/tmp/restart.txt"

  task :symlink do
    run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm current ; ln -s releases/#{release_name} current"

  task :stop do
    run "rm #{deploy_to}public_html"

  namespace :web do
    task :disable do
      run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm public_html && ln -s static_site public_html"

    task :enable do
      run "cd #{deploy_to} && rm public_html && ln -s current/public public_html"

  desc "Symlink shared configs and folders on each release."
  task :symlink_shared do
    run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml"
    run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/assets #{release_path}/public/assets"

    # create symlink to uploads folder for Carrierwave resources (i.e., book cover images)
    run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/uploads  #{release_path}/public/uploads"

  desc "Sync the public/assets directory."
  task :assets do
    system "rsync -vr --exclude='.DS_Store' public/assets #{user}@#{application}:#{shared_path}/"


after "deploy", "deploy:migrate"

after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:symlink_shared'

after(:setup) do
  run "rm -rf #{deploy_to}public_html"
  run "mkdir #{deploy_to}static_site"

现在,我得到的关于 CarrierWave 的错误是虚假的——我已经使用 CarrierWave 很长时间了——而且问题显然源于(正如你可以从触发错误的命令中看到的那样)来自任何时候本身或 Bundler。

而且我认为它实际上可能与与 RVM 相关的路径有关。无论如何,这bundle exec whenever是行不通的。



2 回答 2



  • 每当 ~> 0.8 引入了 Capistrano 角色的错误
  • 每当 cap 任务在 bundle:install 之前触发(这在您上面的代码中得到确认)

在此处查看问题:https ://github.com/javan/whenever/issues/275和此处:https ://github.com/javan/whenever/issues/269


  • 更新服务器上的捆绑程序 (-v 1.2.3)
  • Update bundler locally
  • Update to the newest Whenever (-v 0.8.2)
于 2013-01-28T16:40:55.420 回答

@ideaoforder's answer helped me too, previously though I had the same trouble caused by require 'whenever/capistrano' being on the top of the config/deploy.rb followed by require 'bundler/capistrano'. Swapping those two helped.

I have require 'bundler/capistrano' always on top of the deploy script as a rule.

于 2013-02-13T11:27:33.520 回答