我目前正在学习使用 data.frame 并且对如何重新排序它们感到非常困惑。

目前,我有一个 data.frame 显示:

  • 第 1 列:店铺名称
  • 第 2 列:产品
  • 第三栏:本店对该商品的购买次数


|   | Shop.Name | Items | Product  |  |
| 1 | Shop1     |     2 | Product1 |  |
| 2 | Shop1     |     4 | Product2 |  |
| 3 | Shop2     |     3 | Product1 |  |
| 4 | Shop3     |     2 | Product1 |  |
| 5 | Shop3     |     1 | Product4 |  |


  • 第 1 列:店铺名称
  • 第 2 列:为 product1 出售的商品
  • 第 3 列:为 product2 出售的商品
  • 第 4 列:为 product3 出售的商品 ...

当没有特定商店/产品的行时(因为没有销售),我想创建一个 0。


|   | Shop  | Prod1 | Prod2 | Prod3 | Prod4 | ... |  |  |
| 1 | Shop1 |     2 |     4 |     0 |     0 | ... |  |  |
| 2 | Shop2 |     3 |     0 |     0 |     0 | ... |  |  |
| 3 | Shop3 |     2 |     0 |     0 |     1 | ... |  |  |

3 回答 3


到目前为止的答案在一定程度上有效,但不能完全回答你的问题。特别是,他们没有解决没有商店销售特定产品的案例的问题。从您的示例输入和所需输出来看,没有商店出售“Product3”。事实上,“Product3”甚至没有出现在您的源代码data.frame中。此外,它们没有解决每个商店 + 产品组合有多个行的可能情况。


mydf <- data.frame(
  Shop.Name = c("Shop1", "Shop1", "Shop2", "Shop3", "Shop3", "Shop1"),
  Items = c(2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2),
  Product = factor(
    c("Product1", "Product2", "Product1", "Product1", "Product4", "Product1"),
    levels = c("Product1", "Product2", "Product3", "Product4")))
  1. dcast来自“重塑2”

    dcast(mydf, formula = Shop.Name ~ Product, value="Items", fill=0)
    # Using Product as value column: use value.var to override.
    # Aggregation function missing: defaulting to length
    # Error in .fun(.value[i], ...) : 
    #   2 arguments passed to 'length' which requires 1


    dcast(mydf, formula = Shop.Name ~ Product, 
          fill = 0, value.var = "Items", 
          fun.aggregate = sum, drop = FALSE)
    #   Shop.Name Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4
    # 1     Shop1        4        4        0        0
    # 2     Shop2        3        0        0        0
    # 3     Shop3        2        0        0        1
  2. 让我们成为老派。cast来自“重塑”

    cast(mydf, formula = Shop.Name ~ Product, value="Items", fill=0)
    # Aggregation requires fun.aggregate: length used as default
    #   Shop.Name Product1 Product2 Product4
    # 1     Shop1        2        1        0
    # 2     Shop2        1        0        0
    # 3     Shop3        1        0        1


    cast(mydf, formula = Shop.Name ~ Product, 
         value = "Items", fill = 0, 
         add.missing = TRUE, fun.aggregate = sum)
    #   Shop.Name Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4
    # 1     Shop1        4        4        0        0
    # 2     Shop2        3        0        0        0
    # 3     Shop3        2        0        0        1
  3. 让我们回到基础。xtabs从基础 R

    xtabs(Items ~ Shop.Name + Product, mydf)
    #          Product
    # Shop.Name Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4
    #     Shop1        4        4        0        0
    #     Shop2        3        0        0        0
    #     Shop3        2        0        0        1

    或者,如果您更喜欢 a data.frame(请注意,您的 "Shop.Name" 变量已转换为row.namesdata.frame

    as.data.frame.matrix(xtabs(Items ~ Shop.Name + Product, mydf))
    #       Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4
    # Shop1        4        4        0        0
    # Shop2        3        0        0        0
    # Shop3        2        0        0        1
于 2013-01-25T05:12:05.807 回答



> df <- data.frame(Shop.Name=rep(c("Shop1","Shop2","Shop3"),each=3),
+                  Items=rpois(9,5),
+                  Product=c(rep(c("Prod1","Prod2","Prod3","Prod4"),2),"Prod5")
+ )
> df
  Shop.Name Items Product
1     Shop1     6   Prod1
2     Shop1     5   Prod2
3     Shop1     6   Prod3
4     Shop2     5   Prod4
5     Shop2     6   Prod1
6     Shop2     6   Prod2
7     Shop3     4   Prod3
8     Shop3     7   Prod4
9     Shop3     5   Prod5
> dcast(df,Shop.Name ~ Product,value.var="Items",fill=0)
  Shop.Name Prod1 Prod2 Prod3 Prod4 Prod5
1     Shop1     6     5     6     0     0
2     Shop2     6     6     0     5     0
3     Shop3     0     0     4     7     5
于 2013-01-24T18:35:08.757 回答

如果您出于任何原因想使用原始的 reshape 包:

Shop.Name <- c("Shop1", "Shop1", "Shop2", "Shop3", "Shop3")
Items <- c(2,4,3,2,1)
Product <- c("Product1", "Product2", "Product1", "Product1", "Product4")
(df <- data.frame(Shop.Name, Items, Product))

cast(df, formula = Shop.Name ~ Product, value="Items", fill=0)
于 2013-01-24T23:19:21.470 回答