Is it possible the following scenario in Azure?

I need to get data from customer premises into windows azure, process it and save it in db or table storage. The customer premises are behind firewall/nat .. etc. What is the best way to build one single solution (that will run for all customers) and allow me to get the data of a specific customer.

Basically the worker role will get the data from customer 1, process it and save it; than from customer 2 and so on.

I thought using service buss relay, but is it possible to build a custom wcf service that will run for many users, exposed in the same endpoint and allow the worker role to request data to that endpoint but for a specific customer?


2 回答 2


David,Service Bus Relay 是一个理想的解决方案。您可以编写一个 WCF 服务,该服务将在每个客户前提下运行并连接到您在云中的单一服务。在这里使用服务总线中继给您带来很多好处:1) 对于客户端服务,您不需要在其 NAT/防火墙中打开任何入站端口,因为服务总线客户端将建立出站连接。2) 您可以在云中运行您的服务的单个或多个实例,并在服务总线上监听单个或多个地址/端点。这样,您既可以跨服务扩展,也可以根据您的需要隔离每个客户。3) 我们支持负载平衡,您可以让多个发件人(来自客户位置)连接到单个端点地址,

以下是入门的其他资源: 概述: http: //www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/net/how-to-guides/service-bus-relay/ 示例:http://code.msdn .microsoft.com/windowsazure/Relayed-Messaging-Load-bd76a9f8

于 2013-01-25T17:43:44.263 回答

我有点困惑 - 如果您需要从客户那里获取数据,他们不能简单地调用您的服务吗?通常防火墙会允许出站请求?


于 2013-01-25T12:30:51.077 回答