Assuming I have a wpf solution like the one below, how can I discover the file structure of "SatAssembly"?
- EntryAssembly
-- code files
- SatAssembly
-- GlobalizationFolder
-- en-US Folder
-- resourceDictionary.xaml
-- es-ES Folder
-- resourceDictionary.xaml
All I really want to wind up from the above example with is a set of strings "en-US' "es-Es"
I can use code below to get what I want, and I was wondering if there isn't a simpler way to get what are essentially directory names. Or is this as good as it gets?
var asm = Assembly.LoadFrom("SomeSatelliteAssembly.dll");
var stream = asm.GetManifestResourceStream(asm.GetName().Name + ".g.resources");
using (var reader = new ResourceReader(stream))
foreach (var o in reader.Cast<DictionaryEntry>())
// massage the keys as needed
// ** output of keys for "SatAssembly" ***