Can anyone help me to build a table that lists all files in a specified folder, so whenever a file is copied to that folder the table should update and make a log of files?

I need the list to retain the names, even if the file is moved from that folder or deleted. Later the data would be deleted by a scheduler.

Also I need the table to record the time exactly when the file was copied into that folder and not the modification or creation time.

I am using windows 7; how can I build a system with my desired behaviour?


1 回答 1


只需打开Windows 文件审核,对于该文件夹,youtube 视频将带您完成整个过程。

Microsoft 在其techNet站点上提供了有关如何使用LogParser工具从事件日志数据库中提取安全事件的信息。


于 2013-01-24T14:09:24.603 回答