'code to load picture into database table
Private Function GetPic()
Dim filelen As Long
Dim numlock As Integer
Dim leftover As Long
Const blocksize = 100000
Dim pic As String
Dim bytedata() As Byte
Dim sfile As Integer
sql = "select PICS from student_record_database " //empty field with no pictures
RES.Open sql, CON, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
sfile = App.Path & "/mypic/Book1.xls" //error : type mismatch
Open sfile For Binary Access Read As #1
filelen = LOF(sfile)
If filelen = 0 Then
Close sfile
MsgBox ("empty or not found")
numlock = filelen / blocksize
leftover = filelen Mod blocksize
ReDim bytedata(leftover)
Get sfile, , bytedata()
RES(1).AppendChunk bytedata()
ReDim bytedata(blocksize)
For i = 1 To numlock
Get sfile, , bytedata()
RES(1).AppendChunk bytedata()
Next i
Close sfile
End If
End Function
'code to display picture in picture box from table
Private Function ShowPic()
Dim bytedata() As Byte
Dim file As String
Dim filelen As Long
Dim numlock As Integer
Dim leftover As Long
Const blocksize = 100000
file = App.Path & "\image1.jpeg"
Open file For Binary As #1
numlock = filelen / blocksize
leftover = filelen Mod blocksize
bytedata() = RES(1).GetChunk(leftover)
Put file, , bytedata()
For i = 1 To numlock
bytedata() = RES(1).GetChunk(blocksize)
Put file, , bytedata()
Next i
Close file
End Function
这是我在 oracle 表数据库中使用 vb 插入图片的完整代码。接下来我根据他们的记录在vb应用程序的图片框中显示这些图片,但它显示“类型不匹配”的错误并且图片没有显示在图片框中。