I was working on MVC3 with Jquery DataTables. There every grid consist of search function where it searches the content by matching input character (say like, using contains). But I need the result should be using StartsWith.
I need something like this,
Grid Records
1. Pipefitting Annotated instructor guide level 1 CD-ROM
2. Adobe Photoshop CS4 for photographers A professional image editors
If I Input character 'a', the result should come with second row (By searching starting character of the word in a string). or If I type 'g' then the result should be of first record.
I have googled a lot but I haven't find anything that matches my requirement. Please suggest me how can i do this.
View Code
$(document).ready(function () {
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"}).makeEditable({
"aoColumns": [
null, null