Okay I am starting to give up with this. I have been trying to setup sebversion in Eclipse for my android project. I have been following the following tutorial http://blog.bauson.com/eclipse-subclipse-svn-hostgator-com.html

I got the following:

  • Created a repository called myRep

  • Created a project under with source files myRep/TestProject and attached it to trunk

  • installed subclipse and got it to grab the repository

Now when, it says "Checkout as a project configured using the new project wizard", I get to choose the type of project. If I choose android application project then it creates a default android project and nothing is checked out. But when I choose General Project, it does grab the whole thing in the following structure Repositony->TestProject->Trunk->All my android files and folders

However I want it to be android project so I can compile and run it. I did a lot of googling and I need your help pleeease!


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Never mind, I figured it out. Apperently, when you choose the repository you have to right click and click refresh and it will show you a list of Folders (stupid eclipse does not do it automatically). Then you choose your project and create it as a new project. Voilla, you get it compiling and running

于 2013-01-24T06:30:25.227 回答