我们一直在尝试在 CMS 主页上显示此块的特色图像,但到目前为止在 Magento v1.7.0.0 上使用 FishPig WP 集成扩展未成功。但是,我们成功地将博客帖子中的其他内容从指定类别中显示出来。
我们要做的是让每个帖子显示 2 张图片。剩下的很好去。每个部分都被视为一个帖子。我已将两个屏幕截图与视觉辅助说明联系起来。
我们尝试在开发站点上完成此操作的区域是: https ://devtest.eboost.com
<div id="pressblock">
//$press_posts = Mage::getResourceModel('wordpress/image')->addIsPublishedFilter()->addCategorySlugFilter('press');
$press_posts = Mage::getResourceModel('wordpress/post_collection')->addIsPublishedFilter()->addCategorySlugFilter('press');
$presstotal = count($press_posts->getAllIds());
$presstotid = $press_posts->getAllIds();
//i<=2 means displays last 2 posts
//display latest 2 posts...
$k = 0;
$nopages = ceil($presstotal/6);
$pag = 1;
for($j=$presstotal - 1; $j>=0; $j--)
if($k == 1)
if($pag == 1)
echo '<section id="page-'.$pag.'" class="active">';
echo '<section id="page-'.$pag.'">';
<div class="<?php if($k%2 == 0) echo 'press_right'; else echo 'press_left';?>">
<div class="pree_emty">
GPSM 01-23-13:
Some attempts to get the featured image to show. I don't see a variable to display any image really. The only thing that shows image is post_content but that shows the content as well... Maybe we can filter the image from there?
Maybe we can use some of the code from "app/design/frontend/default/eboost/template/wordpress/post/list.phtml" or something.
The following StackOverflow post looks to have promising suggestions:
Check "app/code/community/Fishpig/Wordpress/Model/Image.php" for functions to display image stuff
//echo $press_posts->getItemById($presstotid[$j])->post_content;
//echo $press_posts->getItemById($presstotid[$j])->getFeaturedImage();
<img src="<?php echo $press_posts->getItemById($presstotid[$j])->getFeaturedImage(); ?>" width="204" height="204" alt="" />
<?php/*<img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/pree_emty.png');?>" width="204" height="204" alt="" />*/?>
<div class="press_txt">
<h3><?php echo $press_posts->getItemById($presstotid[$j])->getPostTitle(); ?></h3>
<p><?php echo substr(strip_tags($press_posts->getItemById($presstotid[$j])->getPostContent()), 0, 150); ?></p>
<p><a href="#"><img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/viewfull_btn.png');?>" width="168" height="30" alt="" /></a></p>
if($k >= 6)
echo "</section>";
$k = 0;
if($k < 6)
echo "</section>";