I have this regular form:

<form action="" method="post"><input class="ssd" type="submit" value="Hello"></form>

According to my observation, when I placed my mouse over the form's button(did not click on it), I could only see it's URL address in IE9(explorer 9). I couldn't see the URL address with FireFox and Chrome when I placed my mouse over the same form. Anyone has got any ideas why? is there any special coding that I need to do in order to make it work for every browser? (I tried different computers, same result)



1 回答 1


尝试使用表单按钮title中的属性。submit它似乎在 Chrome 和 Safari 中工作......我还没有在 Firefox 中尝试它。


这是一个小JS Fiddle供您欣赏。

于 2013-01-24T01:58:06.380 回答