嘿,我正在尝试从 android 的 assets 文件夹中读取文件,这就是我目前所拥有的
public class TestingMusicDAO {
private static final String TAG_NAME = "MUSIC_TESTING_DAO";
private static List<Song> songs;
private ContentResolver contentResolver;
private static Context testingcontext;
private File fFile;
InputStream inputStream = null;
public TestingMusicDAO( Context context) throws IOException{
Log.d(TAG_NAME, "Setting up testing songs");
contentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
testingcontext = context;
public static void getAllSongsFromFile() throws IOException{
Log.d( TAG_NAME, "Tryign to Get all Songs" );
InputStream is;
is = testingcontext.getAssets().open("testing");
Log.d( TAG_NAME, "Did that work?" );
BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
String inputLine;
while((inputLine = bufferReader.readLine()) != null){
private static void logSongs() {
for(Song song : songs)
Log.d( TAG_NAME, song.toString() );
public List<Song> getAllSongs() {
return songs;
public static void processLine(String aLine) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(aLine);
String title = scanner.next();
String artist = scanner.next();
String album = scanner.next();
String id = scanner.next();
String albumId = scanner.next();
String trackOrder = scanner.next();
Log.d(TAG_NAME, "Title = " + title + "Artist = " + artist + "Album = " + album + "ID = " + id + "AlbumID = " + albumId);
else {
Log.d(TAG_NAME, "Empty or invalid line. Unable to process");
所以我基本上调用了 TestingMusicDAO 构造函数,从那里我想单独读取文件的每一行以便能够解析它们,但它一直给我一个 FileNotFoundExecption: testing。任何想法都会非常感谢!