这是来自 jquery.d.ts 的 jquery 接口:

export interface IDialogEvent extends DialogEvent {
    (event: Event, ui: DialogUIParams): void;

这是我的自定义界面,模仿 jquery.d.ts 的 DialogOptions 界面的部分功能:

export interface IDialogOptions {
    open: IDialogEvent;

export class DialogClass implements IDialogOptions { 

    //Dialog options
    public open: IDialogEvent;

    //Class related fields
    public someField: any;
    public dialogEl: JQuery;

    constructor() { 
        this.open = this.OpenHandler;
        this.dialogEl = $("<div></div>").dialog(this); 
        //Passing "this" initializes the dialog by mapping relevant class fields
        //to the dialog's "option" object, in this case the only "relevant" field is "open".

    public OpenHandler(event: Event, ui: DialogUIParams) { 
        var value = this.someField; //BAD. "this" is not type BaseClass

    public NonEventHandlerMethod() { 
        var value = this.someField; //GOOD. "this" is type BaseClass

var dialog = new DialogClass();

最后一行触发OpenHandler()但在其中this不是类型BaseDialog(与 in 不同NonEventHandlerMethod)。


 export class DialogClass implements IDialogOptions { 
      constructor() { 
          this.open = () => {
                //event handling logic

是因为我需要在扩展 DialogClass 的类中添加额外的开放事件处理逻辑,并且 this.member 和 super.member 之间没有区别...... this.function() 和 super.function() 之间只有区别:

 export class LoginDialog extends DialogClass { 
      constructor() { 
          this.open = this.OpenHandler;

      public OpenHandler(event: Event, ui: DialogUIParams) { 
           super.OpenHandler(); //Base handling logic

           //Additional handling logic


   export class DialogClass implements IDialogOptions { 
      constructor() { 
          this.open = () => {
                var test = this.someField;  //Correct context


   var dialog = new DialogClass();
   dialog.OpenHandler();  //Correct context when called directly
   //Note: I haven't actually tested this persay but this function is no different
   //than any other functionso a direct call should certainly not be problem.

1 回答 1


TypeScript 遵循通常的 JavaScript 范围约定,因此this将依赖于上下文。如果您有基于事件触发的类的方法,this则将成为事件目标。当你直接调用一个类上的一个方法时,this会是这个类。

如果你想解决这个问题,你可以利用 JavaScript 如何通过提供this别名来遍历作用域链......


this.open = () => { this.OpenHandler(this); };

_this箭头函数语法在 JavaScript 中创建和别名。

public OpenHandler(context: DialogClass, event: Event, ui: DialogUIParams) { 
    var value = context.someField;


于 2013-01-23T20:31:47.583 回答