在花费大量时间研究线程池概念并阅读大量博客上的不同代码并在 Stackoverflow.com 上发布问题之后,现在我对这个概念有了清晰的认识。但与此同时,我在代码中发现了一些疑问。

  1. pool.assign(new TestWorkerThread()); 在 TestThreadPool 类中执行,它调用 done.workerBegin(); Done Class中的方法,它增加_activeThreads变量。但我认为,逻辑上这是不正确的,因为如果线程数(在本例中为 2)少于任务数(在TestThreadPool 类中给出)(在本例中为 5),它会增加_activeThreads(即 _activeThreads = 5 ) 不必要地计数。

  2. _started变量在Done 类中的作用是什么?

  3. waitDone ()waitBegin()(在Done Class中)如何执行它们的功能?(如果您逐步解释这两种方法,那就很好了。)


TestThreadPool 类:-

package hitesh;

 * @author jhamb

public class TestThreadPool {

 public static void main(String args[]) throws InterruptedException
  ThreadPool pool = new ThreadPool(2);

  for (int i = 1;i <= 5;i++) {
   pool.assign(new TestWorkerThread());
  System.out.println("All tasks are assigned");


  System.out.println("All tasks are done.");

TestWorkerThread 类:-

package hitesh;

 * @author jhamb
 * This class shows an example worker thread that can
 * be used with the thread pool. It demonstrates the main
 * points that should be included in any worker thread. Use
 * this as a starting point for your own threads.

public class TestWorkerThread implements Runnable {
 static private int count = 0;
 private int taskNumber;
 protected Done done;

  * @param done
  taskNumber = count;
  //System.out.println("tasknumber  --->  " + taskNumber);

 public void run()
  System.out.println("TWT run starts   -->  "  + this.toString());
  for (int i=0;i <= 100;i += 25) {
   System.out.println("Task number: " + taskNumber + 
             ",percent complete = " + i );
   try {
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  System.out.println("task for thread --> " + this.toString() + "   completed");


package hitesh;

 * @author jhamb
import java.util.*;

 * This is the main class for the thread pool. You should
 * create an instance of this class and assign tasks to it.

public class ThreadPool {

 protected Thread threads[] = null;

 Collection assignments = new ArrayList(3);

 protected Done done = new Done();

 public ThreadPool(int size) throws InterruptedException
   threads = new WorkerThread[size];
   for (int i=0;i<threads.length;i++) {
    threads[i] = new WorkerThread(this);
    System.out.println ("thread " + i + " started");


 public synchronized void assign(Runnable r)
  System.out.println("Collection size --->   " + assignments.size() +   "  Thread can work on this");

 public synchronized Runnable getAssignment()
  try {
   while ( !assignments.iterator().hasNext() )

   Runnable r = (Runnable)assignments.iterator().next();
   return r;
  } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   return null;

 public void complete()


WorkerThread 类:-

package hitesh;
import java.util.*;
 * @author jhamb

 * The worker threads that make up the thread pool.
class WorkerThread extends Thread {
  * True if this thread is currently processing.
 public boolean busy;
  * The thread pool that this object belongs to.
 public ThreadPool owner;

  * The constructor.
  * @param o the thread pool 
 WorkerThread(ThreadPool o)
  owner = o;

  * Scan for and execute tasks.
 public void run()
  System.out.println("Threads name : "+ this.getName() + "  working.....");
  Runnable target = null;

  do {
   System.out.println("enter in do while " + this.getName() );
   target = owner.getAssignment();
   System.out.println("GetAssignment k aage aa gya mai "  +  target);
   if (target!=null) {
  } while (target!=null);
  System.out.println("do while finishes for "+ this.getName());


package hitesh;

 * @author jhamb
 * This is a thread pool for Java, it is
 * simple to use and gets the job done. This program and
 * all supporting files are distributed under the Limited
 * GNU Public License (LGPL, http://www.gnu.org).
 * This is a very simple object that
 * allows the TheadPool to determine when 
 * it is done. This object implements
 * a simple lock that the ThreadPool class
 * can wait on to determine completion.
 * Done is defined as the ThreadPool having
 * no more work to complete.
 * Copyright 2001 by Jeff Heaton
 * @author Jeff Heaton (http://www.jeffheaton.com)
 * @version 1.0
public class Done {

  * The number of Worker object
  * threads that are currently working
  * on something.
 private int _activeThreads = 0;

  * This boolean keeps track of if
  * the very first thread has started
  * or not. This prevents this object
  * from falsely reporting that the ThreadPool 
  * is done, just because the first thread
  * has not yet started.
 private boolean _started = false;
  * This method can be called to block
  * the current thread until the ThreadPool
  * is done.

 synchronized public void waitDone()
  try {
   while ( _activeThreads>0 ) {
  } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {
  * Called to wait for the first thread to 
  * start. Once this method returns the
  * process has begun.

 synchronized public void waitBegin()
  try {
   while ( !_started ) {
  } catch ( InterruptedException e ) {

  * Called by a Worker object
  * to indicate that it has begun 
  * working on a workload.
 synchronized public void workerBegin()
  _started = true;

  * Called by a Worker object to 
  * indicate that it has completed a 
  * workload.
 synchronized public void workerEnd()

  * Called to reset this object to
  * its initial state.
 synchronized public void reset()
  _activeThreads = 0;




1 回答 1




  1. 是的,你是对的,这在逻辑上是错误的。最好是_activeTasks。它用于杀死所有线程,当线程池没有更多工作时,因为 waitDone() 函数只有在_activeTasks <= 0时才能成功执行。

  2. 此变量用于waitBegin()方法。每当任何任务启动时,它都会更新 _started 为TRUE,这意味着用户分配的任务现在正在由线程处理,意味着线程开始处理这些任务。如果用户没有给出任务,那么所有线程仍然处于活动状态,并等待任务。这是这里变量的使用。

  3. waitBegin() 方法在线程开始处理任务时成功执行,因为在这种情况下只有 _started 变为 true。否则,线程会继续等待某些任务。waitDone() 仅在 _activeTasks 变为零时执行成功,因为这是线程池没有任何工作要执行的唯一情况,意味着线程池完成了它的工作。否则,它会一直等到所有任务完成,这意味着它会等到 _activeTasks 变为

于 2013-01-28T12:34:41.887 回答