我编写了一些代码来限制我选择的某些元素的选项卡导航。您可以在这里看到完整的代码:http: //jsfiddle.net/M2ELL/2/它工作正常。

问题是我想“装饰”焦点所在的父 div。为此,我制作了这些事件监听器:

$('[data-mymodaltabindex]').blur(function () {        
   console.log('blur ' + $(this));

$('[data-mymodaltabindex]').focus(function () {
   console.log('highlight ' + $(this));

当每个父 div 只有一个输入时,这些会按预期工作。另一方面,当每个父 div 有两个输入时(如我的示例中的两个收音机),焦点事件总是发生在模糊事件之前。结果是突出显示然后删除 div 上的突出显示,这与我想要的相反。



    radio 1
    <input type="radio" data-mymodaltabindex="1" />
    radio 2
    <input type="radio" data-mymodaltabindex="2" />
    <input type="text" data-mymodaltabindex="3" />

$('[data-mymodaltabindex]').on('keydown', function (e) {
    if (e.keyCode == 9 || e.which == 9) {
        // define variables
        var mytabindex = null;
        var maximum = null;
        var minimum = null;
        var next = null;
        var previous = null;
        var values = new Array();
        // set mytabindex on the actual focused control
        var mytabindex = $(this).attr('data-mymodaltabindex');
        // put every visible mytabindex into array
        $('[data-mymodaltabindex]:visible').each(function () {
        // look for maximum minimum mytabindex 
        // for maximum and minimum we filter out null values 
        // as they are interpreted as 0 with math functions
        maximum = Math.max.apply(null, values.filter(function (val) { return val !== null }));
        minimum = Math.min.apply(null, values.filter(function (val) { return val !== null }));
        // set next and previous using function
        next = getModalClosestHighValue(values, mytabindex);
        previous = getModalClosestLowValue(values, mytabindex);
        // go back to begining / end if 
        // end / begining is reached
        if (!previous) { previous = maximum; }
        if (!next) { next = minimum; }
        // check if there is shift combination
        if (e.shiftKey) {
            mytabindex = previous; // focus on the previous item
        } else {
            mytabindex = next; // focus on the next item
        // focus on this element
        $('[data-mymodaltabindex=' + mytabindex + ']').focus();
        console.log('focus set to [data-mymodaltabindex=' + mytabindex + ']');
        // stop propagation
        return false;

function getModalClosestHighValue(a, x) {
    var hi;
    for (var i = a.length; i--; ) {
        if (a[i] > x && (hi === undefined || hi > a[i])) hi = a[i];
    return hi;

function getModalClosestLowValue(a, x) {
    var lo;
    for (var i = a.length; i--; ) {
        if (a[i] < x && (lo === undefined || lo < a[i])) lo = a[i];
    return lo;

1 回答 1


事实证明,这是一些 jQuery 版本的错误,可以通过使用 jQuery 1.9 来解决。

适用于 1.9:http: //jsfiddle.net/7mfLb/

不适用于 1.8.3:http: //jsfiddle.net/dHwE5/

如果你想让它与 1.7.2 一起工作,那么我建议你这个解决方法:

$('[data-mymodaltabindex]').on('blur focus', function() {
   var $p = $(this).parent();
   setTimeout(function() {
      $('div :has(:focus)', $p.parent()).addClass('highlight');
   }, 0);


于 2013-01-23T10:13:38.447 回答