Any good resource on how to port a LAMP stack to Ec2?

Mainly I'm concerned about storage, the MySQL part. The existing app works agains a single store. Do I need to port all my storage to S3? Will the EC2 instances be able to share a single MySQL database? Alternatively I can partition my data and have a single database for each EC2 image, but I still need a global user account database for authentication and if the data is partitioned the requests have to be routed to the proper image. Not sure how this is achieved in EC2.

To wrap up: where should I start?


2 回答 2


这些在 Amazon EC2 上部署 LAMP 堆栈的技巧是 IMO 一个非常好的起点。我建议先阅读它们(我不确定我是否理解您对存储部分的担忧),也许之后事情会更清楚。

于 2009-09-19T01:00:36.230 回答

我知道这是旧的,但对于处于这种情况的任何人,请查看:http ://www.robotmedia.net/2011/04/how-to-create-an-amazon-ec2-instance-with-apache-php-和-mysql-灯/

这是我找到的在 Amazon EC2 上实现 LAMP 堆栈的最直接的教程。

不需要使用 S3,尽管它一种负担得起的文件托管方式。是的,多个实例可以共享一个数据库,您可以使用数据库复制来提高可用性。这是一个很棒的教程: http: //aciddrop.com/2008/01/10/step-by-step-how-to-setup-mysql-database-replication/

于 2011-08-11T19:13:17.093 回答