如何查看 jira 中用户每周完成/正在进行的任务?
您的问题不是很清楚,您所说的done/in progress是什么意思?问题的状态?并通过说我如何查看您的确切意思?从 Jira 看到他们?发送每周邮件?
无论如何,如果说完成/进行中意味着问题已关闭/未关闭,并且您正在寻找正确的 JQL 查询,那么:
project = Development and status = Closed and updated >= "-7d"
project = Development and status != Closed and updated >= "-7d"
project = Development and status != Closed and created >= "-7d"
等等。有关更多查询选项,请访问JIRA 高级搜索。如果您有更多问题,请随时提问。
我编写了一个简单的 cli 工具jira-report,它查询您的 jira 并将每周报告打印到控制台:
$ jira-report
Jira site address: https://jira.company.com
Username for 'https://jira.company.com': admin
Password for 'https://jira.company.com':
Connecting to 'https://jira.company.com'. Pls wait...
What was [admin] doing:
Created: 2
WFM-7180 - Provide static context for log property in BasicHashAnalyzer
TST-5862 - Unable to install Nginx on HP-UX with Java 6
Resolved: 8
GSM-364 - Migration of existing scenario
WFM-5865 - NullPointerException while finding categories
TST-5864 - Some NGinx installation improvements
TST-5863 - NGinx minimal dependency
SDK-7139 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual jar
SDK-7138 - Move common interfaces and classes from into individual dll
TST-7111 - Event.getDonotNotify doesn't indicate about agent's state
TST-6985 - TST classes should have static Log fields
Reopened: 0
Closed: 5
TST-6943 - Remove redundant org.apache.log4j dependency from common part
TST-5862 - Unable to install NGinx on HP-UX with Java 6
TST-5857 - Put back support for Jdk 1.6
TST-5840 - NGinx fails to handle interaction initiated
GSM-364 - Migration of existing units