我在我的网站上使用 Soundmanager Mp3 按钮。但是,我想使用 Soundcloud Api 通过 Soundmanager 流式传输曲目,而不是托管 MP3。基本上,我想通过 Soundmanager 按钮流式传输 Soundcloud 链接。可能的?
我尝试创建一个 jQuery 循环(如下),但仍然没有任何运气。
<li><a class="sm2_button" href="http://soundcloud.com/....">Track Title</a>
和 jQuery
$("ol a").each(function()
var thisLink = $(this);
var track_url = this.href; // save href value of each link to 'track_url' i.e. soundcloud.com/...
this.href = this.href.replace(track_url, "#"); // replace href value with '#'
var consumer_key = 'My Consumer Key';
// now resolve the stream_url through Soundcloud's getJSON method
$.when($.getJSON('http://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url=' + track_url + '&format=json&consumer_key=' + consumer_key + '&callback=?', function(track) {
url = track.stream_url + '?consumer_key=' + consumer_key;
})).done(function() {
// and place an 'onclick' on each link
$(thisLink).attr('onclick', "if (basicMP3Player.lastSound) { basicMP3Player.lastSound.stop(); } document.getElementById('mp3').type='audio/mpeg'; document.getElementById('mp3').href = '" + url + "'; basicMP3Player.handleClick({target: document.getElementById('mp3')});");