I would like to show an EULA in my Cocos2d app. Is there any recommended way in Cocos2d and if so could you guide me to some tutorial? It is a one page document which fits perfectly in a PDF - is there any way to show a PDF on a Cocos2d App?

I tried adding a PNG file but I was not able to allow to "zoom in" with the pinch movements. Also PNG files are less resolution when compared to PDF.

Consideration: In both cases (PDF & PNG) the user will need to "pinch zoom" the image in order to be able to read the text properly. I am a bit afraid that this might put off the user as haven't found one iOS APP yet that does use this mechanism.


1 回答 1


将 EULA 放在您的用户面前会让他们望而却步。问问自己为什么没有其他 iOS 应用程序这样做。

充其量,应用程序会添加一个指向其“服务条款”的超链接,点击该链接时会在 Safari 中打开,并且可能会注明如果您登录即表示您同意。如果您想了解如何设计的示例,请查看 Game Center 帐户创建过程。

PDF 或 PNG 是糟糕的想法,显示 HTML webview 或简单的文本视图。

于 2013-01-22T22:47:44.293 回答