我正在尝试制作一个可以切换蓝牙的 AppleScript,但我似乎无法克服以下错误:

Expected end of line, etc. but found “"”.


tell application "System Preferences"
reveal pane id "com.apple.preferences.Bluetooth"
tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences"
    set bluetooth to checkbox "On" of window 1
    set bluetoothBool to value of checkbox "On" of window 1 as boolean
    tell bluetooth
        if bluetoothBool = false then
            click bluetooth
            display dialog "Bluetooth on" with title "Bluetooth"
                buttons "OK" "Turn Bluetooth off"
                default button "OK"
        else if bluetoothBool = true then
            click bluetooth
            display dialog "Bluetooth off" with title "Bluetooth"
                buttons "OK" "Turn Bluetooth on"
                default button "OK"
        end if
    end tell
end tell



1 回答 1


"OK" "Turn Bluetooth off"需要{"OK", "Turn Bluetooth off"}

此外,display dialog语句需要全部放在一行中,除非您¬通过键入 Option-l(小写 L)输入“继续”一行。

tell application "System Preferences"
    reveal pane id "com.apple.preferences.Bluetooth"
    tell application "System Events" to tell process "System Preferences"
        set bluetooth to checkbox "On" of window 1
        set bluetoothBool to value of checkbox "On" of window 1 as boolean
        tell bluetooth
            if bluetoothBool = false then
                click bluetooth
                display dialog "Bluetooth on" with title ¬
                    "Bluetooth" buttons {"OK", "Turn Bluetooth off"} ¬
                    default button "OK"
            else if bluetoothBool = true then
                click bluetooth
                display dialog "Bluetooth off" with title ¬
                    "Bluetooth" buttons {"OK", "Turn Bluetooth on"} ¬
                    default button "OK"
            end if
        end tell
    end tell
end tell

来源:AppleScript 语言指南

于 2013-01-22T18:38:48.527 回答