
我的代码有问题。我的目标是将伪代码翻译成 java 代码是的,我的编码是一项作业,我不想要任何答案,只是为了告诉我问题出在哪里


我将展示伪代码和我的与此伪代码对应的 java 代码。


inter <-- 0

Array C[m+n]

for i <-- 0 to m-1  do  C[i] <-- A[i]

for i <-- 0 to n-1  do  C[i+m] <-- B[i]

C <-- sort(C, m+n);

pointer <-- 0

while (pointer < m+n-1) do{


inter <-- inter+1

pointer <-- pointer+2


else pointer <-- pointer+1


return inter

Java 代码:

public static int intersectionSizeMergeAndSort(studentList L1, studentList L2) {
/* Write your code for question 4 here */
  int intersectionSize = 0;
  int[] C = new int[L1.studentID.length+L2.studentID.length];
  for(int i = 0; i<L1.studentID.length; i++){
  C[i] = L1.studentID[i];
  for(int i = 0; i<L2.studentID.length; i++){
  C[i+L1.studentID.length] = L2.studentID[i];
  int pointer = 0;
    if(C[pointer] == C[pointer+1]){
    intersectionSize = intersectionSize + 1;
    pointer = pointer + 2;
    else {
      pointer = pointer + 1;
 return intersectionSize;

return 0;


public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

studentList firstList;
studentList secondList;

// This is how to read lists from files. Useful for debugging.

// firstList=new studentList("COMP250.txt", "COMP250 - Introduction to Computer Science");
// secondList=new studentList("MATH240.txt", "MATH240 - Discrete Mathematics");

// get the time before starting the intersections
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

// repeat the process a certain number of times, to make more accurate average     measurements.
 for (int rep=0;rep<1000;rep++) {

 // This is how to generate lists of random IDs. 
 // For firstList, we generate 16000 IDs
 // For secondList, we generate 16000 IDs

 firstList=new studentList(2 , "COMP250 - Introduction to Computer Science");
 secondList=new studentList(2 , "MATH240 - Discrete Mathematics");

 // run the intersection method
 int intersection=studentList.intersectionSizeMergeAndSort(firstList,secondList);
 System.out.println("The intersection size is: "+intersection);

// get the time after the intersection
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

System.out.println("Running time: "+ (endTime-startTime) + " milliseconds");


注意:L1 和 L2 之前已声明但我没有得到我想要的结果。有人能指出什么是错的吗?



2 回答 2


在我的脑海中,在我看来,您的return intersectionSize;语句出现在您的 while 循环中,因此您的循环永远不会超出第一次迭代,也不会正确计算 intersectionSize。我会删除该声明并return 0;return intersectionSize;这样的方式替换您的...

public static int intersectionSizeMergeAndSort(studentList L1, studentList L2) {
   /* Write your code for question 4 here */
   int intersectionSize = 0;
   int[] C = new int[L1.studentID.length + L2.studentID.length];
   for (int i = 0; i < L1.studentID.length; i++) {
      C[i] = L1.studentID[i];
   for (int i = 0; i < L2.studentID.length; i++) {
      C[i + L1.studentID.length] = L2.studentID[i];
   int pointer = 0;
   while (pointer < (C.length - 1)) {
       if (C[pointer] == C[pointer + 1]) {
          intersectionSize = intersectionSize + 1;
          pointer = pointer + 2;
       } else {
          pointer = pointer + 1;
    return intersectionSize;
于 2013-01-22T18:05:10.903 回答




我刚看到你的编辑。您需要在 main 之外取出以下几行for loop

// run the intersection method
   int intersection=studentList.intersectionSizeMergeAndSort(firstList,secondList);
   System.out.println("The intersection size is: "+intersection);

为了正确记录您的时间,您需要将行long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();放在循环之后和我提到的前面几行之前。

于 2013-01-22T17:58:46.530 回答