

bit0 - original_or_copy  
bit1 - copyright  
bit2 - data_alignment_indicator  
bit3 - PES_priority  
bit4-bit5 - PES_scrambling control.  
bit6-bit7 - reserved  

在 CI 中可能会执行以下操作:

struct PESHeader  {
    unsigned reserved:2;
    unsigned scrambling_control:2;
    unsigned priority:1;
    unsigned data_alignment_indicator:1;
    unsigned copyright:1;
    unsigned original_or_copy:1;

在 C# 中是否有任何方法可以使我能够使用结构取消引用点运算符访问这些位?




12 回答 12



using System;

namespace BitfieldTest
    [global::System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)]
    sealed class BitfieldLengthAttribute : Attribute
        uint length;

        public BitfieldLengthAttribute(uint length)
            this.length = length;

        public uint Length { get { return length; } }

    static class PrimitiveConversion
        public static long ToLong<T>(T t) where T : struct
            long r = 0;
            int offset = 0;

            // For every field suitably attributed with a BitfieldLength
            foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo f in t.GetType().GetFields())
                object[] attrs = f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BitfieldLengthAttribute), false);
                if (attrs.Length == 1)
                    uint fieldLength  = ((BitfieldLengthAttribute)attrs[0]).Length;

                    // Calculate a bitmask of the desired length
                    long mask = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fieldLength; i++)
                        mask |= 1 << i;

                    r |= ((UInt32)f.GetValue(t) & mask) << offset;

                    offset += (int)fieldLength;

            return r;

    struct PESHeader
        public uint reserved;
        public uint scrambling_control;
        public uint priority;
        public uint data_alignment_indicator;
        public uint copyright;
        public uint original_or_copy;

    public class MainClass
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            PESHeader p = new PESHeader();

            p.reserved = 3;
            p.scrambling_control = 2;
            p.data_alignment_indicator = 1;

            long l = PrimitiveConversion.ToLong(p);

            for (int i = 63; i >= 0; i--)
                Console.Write( ((l & (1l << i)) > 0) ? "1" : "0");



这会产生预期的 ...000101011。当然,它需要更多的错误检查和稍微理智的打字,但这个概念(我认为)是合理的、可重用的,并且可以让你轻松地淘汰几十个易于维护的结构。


于 2008-08-18T13:31:30.533 回答


public enum PESHeaderFlags
    IsCopy = 1, // implied that if not present, then it is an original
    IsCopyrighted = 2,
    IsDataAligned = 4,
    Priority = 8,
    ScramblingControlType1 = 0,
    ScramblingControlType2 = 16,
    ScramblingControlType3 = 32,
    ScramblingControlType4 = 16+32,
    ScramblingControlFlags = ScramblingControlType1 | ScramblingControlType2 | ... ype4
于 2008-08-18T12:25:51.697 回答


[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=1, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)]
public struct Foo 
{ [FieldOffset(0)]public byte original_or_copy; 
  [FieldOffset(0)]public byte copyright;
  [FieldOffset(0)]public byte data_alignment_indicator; 
  [FieldOffset(0)]public byte PES_priority; 
  [FieldOffset(0)]public byte PES_scrambling_control; 
  [FieldOffset(0)]public byte reserved; 

这实际上是一个联合,但您可以将其用作位域——您只需要注意每个字段的位应该在字节中的哪个位置。AND 反对的实用函数和/或常量可以提供帮助。

const byte _original_or_copy = 1;
const byte _copyright        = 2;

//bool ooo = foo.original_or_copy();
static bool original_or_copy(this Foo foo) 
{ return  (foo.original_or_copy & _original_or_copy)  == original_or_copy;

还有 LayoutKind.Sequential 可以让您以 C 方式进行操作。

于 2008-08-18T11:32:53.143 回答

正如 Christophe Lambrechts 建议的那样,BitVector32 提供了一个解决方案。抖动的性能应该是足够的,但不确定。这是说明此解决方案的代码:

public struct rcSpan
    //C# Spec The static field variable initializers of a class correspond to a sequence of assignments that are executed in the textual order in which they appear in the class declaration.
    internal static readonly BitVector32.Section sminSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x1FFF);
    internal static readonly BitVector32.Section smaxSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x1FFF, sminSection);
    internal static readonly BitVector32.Section areaSection = BitVector32.CreateSection(0x3F, smaxSection);

    internal BitVector32 data;

    //public uint smin : 13; 
    public uint smin
        get { return (uint)data[sminSection]; }
        set { data[sminSection] = (int)value; }

    //public uint smax : 13; 
    public uint smax
        get { return (uint)data[smaxSection]; }
        set { data[smaxSection] = (int)value; }

    //public uint area : 6; 
    public uint area
        get { return (uint)data[areaSection]; }
        set { data[areaSection] = (int)value; }

你可以通过这种方式做很多事情。通过为每个字段提供手工访问器,您可以在不使用 BitVector32 的情况下做得更好:

public struct rcSpan2
    internal uint data;

    //public uint smin : 13; 
    public uint smin
        get { return data & 0x1FFF; }
        set { data = (data & ~0x1FFFu ) | (value & 0x1FFF); }

    //public uint smax : 13; 
    public uint smax
        get { return (data >> 13) & 0x1FFF; }
        set { data = (data & ~(0x1FFFu << 13)) | (value & 0x1FFF) << 13; }

    //public uint area : 6; 
    public uint area
        get { return (data >> 26) & 0x3F; }
        set { data = (data & ~(0x3F << 26)) | (value & 0x3F) << 26; }


于 2012-06-21T19:07:07.817 回答

另一个基于 Zbyl 的回答。这个对我来说更容易改变 - 我只需要调整 sz0,sz1... 并确保 set/Get 块中的 mask# 和 loc# 是正确的。

性能方面,它应该与它们都解析为 38 个 MSIL 语句相同。(常量在编译时解析)

public struct MyStruct
    internal uint raw;

    const int sz0 = 4, loc0 = 0,          mask0 = ((1 << sz0) - 1) << loc0;
    const int sz1 = 4, loc1 = loc0 + sz0, mask1 = ((1 << sz1) - 1) << loc1;
    const int sz2 = 4, loc2 = loc1 + sz1, mask2 = ((1 << sz2) - 1) << loc2;
    const int sz3 = 4, loc3 = loc2 + sz2, mask3 = ((1 << sz3) - 1) << loc3;

    public uint Item0
        get { return (uint)(raw & mask0) >> loc0; }
        set { raw = (uint)(raw & ~mask0 | (value << loc0) & mask0); }

    public uint Item1
        get { return (uint)(raw & mask1) >> loc1; }
        set { raw = (uint)(raw & ~mask1 | (value << loc1) & mask1); }

    public uint Item2
        get { return (uint)(raw & mask2) >> loc2; }
        set { raw = (uint)(raw & ~mask2 | (value << loc2) & mask2); }

    public uint Item3
        get { return (uint)((raw & mask3) >> loc3); }
        set { raw = (uint)(raw & ~mask3 | (value << loc3) & mask3); }
于 2015-03-29T06:42:02.003 回答

您也可以使用BitVector32,尤其是Section struct. 这个例子非常好。

于 2011-10-03T14:51:27.650 回答


于 2011-03-24T14:47:53.030 回答


uint SetBits(uint word, uint value, int pos, int size)
    uint mask = ((((uint)1) << size) - 1) << pos;
    word &= ~mask; //resettiamo le posizioni
    word |= (value << pos) & mask;
    return word;

uint ReadBits(uint word, int pos, int size)
    uint mask = ((((uint)1) << size) - 1) << pos;
    return (word & mask) >> pos;


uint the_word;

public uint Itemx
    get { return ReadBits(the_word, 5, 2); }
    set { the_word = SetBits(the_word, value, 5, 2) }
于 2019-04-24T16:08:12.753 回答


C# 中的 [Flags] 枚举属性是什么意思?

于 2008-08-18T11:23:21.027 回答


[Flags] enum PesHeaders : byte { /* ... */ }
于 2008-08-18T12:47:49.873 回答


[global::System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class BitInfoAttribute : Attribute {
    byte length;
    public BitInfoAttribute(byte length) {
        this.length = length;
    public byte Length { get { return length; } }

public abstract class BitField {

    public void parse<T>(T[] vals) {
        analysis().parse(this, ArrayConverter.convert<T, uint>(vals));

    public byte[] toArray() {
        return ArrayConverter.convert<uint, byte>(analysis().toArray(this));

    public T[] toArray<T>() {
        return ArrayConverter.convert<uint, T>(analysis().toArray(this));

    static Dictionary<Type, BitTypeInfo> bitInfoMap = new Dictionary<Type, BitTypeInfo>();
    private BitTypeInfo analysis() {
        Type type = this.GetType();
        if (!bitInfoMap.ContainsKey(type)) {
            List<BitInfo> infos = new List<BitInfo>();

            byte dataIdx = 0, offset = 0;
            foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo f in type.GetFields()) {
                object[] attrs = f.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BitInfoAttribute), false);
                if (attrs.Length == 1) {
                    byte bitLen = ((BitInfoAttribute)attrs[0]).Length;
                    if (offset + bitLen > 32) {
                        offset = 0;
                    infos.Add(new BitInfo(f, bitLen, dataIdx, offset));
                    offset += bitLen;
            bitInfoMap.Add(type, new BitTypeInfo(dataIdx + 1, infos.ToArray()));
        return bitInfoMap[type];

class BitTypeInfo {
    public int dataLen { get; private set; }
    public BitInfo[] bitInfos { get; private set; }

    public BitTypeInfo(int _dataLen, BitInfo[] _bitInfos) {
        dataLen = _dataLen;
        bitInfos = _bitInfos;

    public uint[] toArray<T>(T obj) {
        uint[] datas = new uint[dataLen];
        foreach (BitInfo bif in bitInfos) {
            bif.encode(obj, datas);
        return datas;

    public void parse<T>(T obj, uint[] vals) {
        foreach (BitInfo bif in bitInfos) {
            bif.decode(obj, vals);

class BitInfo {

    private System.Reflection.FieldInfo field;
    private uint mask;
    private byte idx, offset, shiftA, shiftB;
    private bool isUnsigned = false;

    public BitInfo(System.Reflection.FieldInfo _field, byte _bitLen, byte _idx, byte _offset) {
        field = _field;
        mask = (uint)(((1 << _bitLen) - 1) << _offset);
        idx = _idx;
        offset = _offset;
        shiftA = (byte)(32 - _offset - _bitLen);
        shiftB = (byte)(32 - _bitLen);

        if (_field.FieldType == typeof(bool)
            || _field.FieldType == typeof(byte)
            || _field.FieldType == typeof(char)
            || _field.FieldType == typeof(uint)
            || _field.FieldType == typeof(ulong)
            || _field.FieldType == typeof(ushort)) {
            isUnsigned = true;

    public void encode(Object obj, uint[] datas) {
        if (isUnsigned) {
            uint val = (uint)Convert.ChangeType(field.GetValue(obj), typeof(uint));
            datas[idx] |= ((uint)(val << offset) & mask);
        } else {
            int val = (int)Convert.ChangeType(field.GetValue(obj), typeof(int));
            datas[idx] |= ((uint)(val << offset) & mask);

    public void decode(Object obj, uint[] datas) {
        if (isUnsigned) {
            field.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType((((uint)(datas[idx] & mask)) << shiftA) >> shiftB, field.FieldType));
        } else {
            field.SetValue(obj, Convert.ChangeType((((int)(datas[idx] & mask)) << shiftA) >> shiftB, field.FieldType));

public class ArrayConverter {
    public static T[] convert<T>(uint[] val) {
        return convert<uint, T>(val);

    public static T1[] convert<T0, T1>(T0[] val) {
        T1[] rt = null;
        // type is same or length is same
        // refer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25759878/convert-byte-to-sbyte
        if (typeof(T0) == typeof(T1)) { 
            rt = (T1[])(Array)val;
        } else {
            int len = Buffer.ByteLength(val);
            int w = typeWidth<T1>();
            if (w == 1) { // bool
                rt = new T1[len * 8];
            } else if (w == 8) {
                rt = new T1[len];
            } else { // w > 8
                int nn = w / 8;
                int len2 = (len / nn) + ((len % nn) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
                rt = new T1[len2];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(val, 0, rt, 0, len);
        return rt;

    public static string toBinary<T>(T[] vals) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int width = typeWidth<T>();
        int len = Buffer.ByteLength(vals);
        for (int i = len-1; i >=0; i--) {
            sb.Append(Convert.ToString(Buffer.GetByte(vals, i), 2).PadLeft(8, '0')).Append(" ");
        return sb.ToString();

    private static int typeWidth<T>() {
        int rt = 0;
        if (typeof(T) == typeof(bool)) { // x
            rt = 1;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte)) { // x
            rt = 8;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(sbyte)) {
            rt = 8;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ushort)) { // x
            rt = 16;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(short)) {
            rt = 16;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(char)) {
            rt = 16;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(uint)) { // x
            rt = 32;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(int)) {
            rt = 32;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(float)) {
            rt = 32;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(ulong)) { // x
            rt = 64;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(long)) {
            rt = 64;
        } else if (typeof(T) == typeof(double)) {
            rt = 64;
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Unsupport type : " + typeof(T).Name);
        return rt;


class MyTest01 : BitField {
    public bool d0;
    public short d1;
    public int d2;
    public int d3;
    public int d4;
    public int d5;

    public MyTest01(bool _d0, short _d1, int _d2, int _d3, int _d4, int _d5) {
        d0 = _d0;
        d1 = _d1;
        d2 = _d2;
        d3 = _d3;
        d4 = _d4;
        d5 = _d5;

    public MyTest01(byte[] datas) {

    public new string ToString() {
        return string.Format("d0: {0}, d1: {1}, d2: {2}, d3: {3}, d4: {4}, d5: {5} \r\nbinary => {6}",
            d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, ArrayConverter.toBinary(toArray()));

class MyTest02 : BitField {
    public bool val0;
    public byte val1;
    public uint val2;
    public float val3;
    public int val4;
    public int val5;
    public int val6;

    public MyTest02(bool v0, byte v1, uint v2, float v3, int v4, int v5, int v6) {
        val0 = v0;
        val1 = v1;
        val2 = v2;
        val3 = v3;
        val4 = v4;
        val5 = v5;
        val6 = v6;

    public MyTest02(byte[] datas) {

    public new string ToString() {
        return string.Format("val0: {0}, val1: {1}, val2: {2}, val3: {3}, val4: {4}, val5: {5}, val6: {6}\r\nbinary => {7}",
            val0, val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, ArrayConverter.toBinary(toArray()));

public class MainClass {

    public static void Main(string[] args) {
        MyTest01 p = new MyTest01(false, 1, 2, 3, -1, -2);
        Debug.Log("P:: " + p.ToString());
        MyTest01 p2 = new MyTest01(p.toArray());
        Debug.Log("P2:: " + p2.ToString());

        MyTest02 t = new MyTest02(true, 1, 12, -1.3f, 4, -5, 100);
        Debug.Log("t:: " + t.ToString());
        MyTest02 t2 = new MyTest02(t.toArray());
        Debug.Log("t:: " + t.ToString());

于 2016-07-04T16:43:49.390 回答

我今天早上用 T4 写了一篇。:) 与 Zbyl 相同的示例,尽管我加入了一些 uint 大小调整的乐趣。这只是第一次通过,它显然可以使用一些错误检查。此外,bitFields 规范数组在单独的文件中会更好,可能是 .ttinclude 或 json/yaml..

=== BitFields.tt ===

<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>
<#@ import namespace="System.Linq" #>

var bitFields = new[]
        Name = "rcSpan2", Fields = new[] { ("smin", 13), ("smax", 13), ("area", 6) },

foreach (var bitField in bitFields)
    static string getType(int size) =>
        size switch
            > 32 => "ulong",
            > 16 => "uint",
            > 8 => "ushort",
            _ => "byte",

    var bitFieldType = getType(bitField.Fields.Sum(f => f.Item2)); 
public struct <#=bitField.Name#>
    <#=bitFieldType#> _bitfield;

var offset = 0;
foreach (var (fieldName, fieldSize) in bitField.Fields)
    var fieldType = getType(fieldSize);
    var fieldMask = $"0x{((1UL<<fieldSize)-1):X}U";
    public <#=fieldType#> <#=fieldName#> // : <#=fieldSize#>
        get => (<#=fieldType#>)(<#=offset > 0 ? $"(_bitfield >> {offset})" : "_bitfield"#> & <#=fieldMask#>);
        set => _bitfield = (<#=bitFieldType#>)((_bitfield & ~((<#=bitFieldType#>)<#=fieldMask#> << <#=offset#>)) | ((<#=bitFieldType#>)(value & <#=fieldMask#>) << <#=offset#>));
    offset += fieldSize;


=== BitFields.cs === (generated)

public struct rcSpan2
    uint _bitfield;

    public ushort smin // : 13
        get => (ushort)(_bitfield & 0x1FFFU);
        set => _bitfield = (uint)((_bitfield & ~((uint)0x1FFFU << 0)) | ((uint)(value & 0x1FFFU) << 0));
    public ushort smax // : 13
        get => (ushort)((_bitfield >> 13) & 0x1FFFU);
        set => _bitfield = (uint)((_bitfield & ~((uint)0x1FFFU << 13)) | ((uint)(value & 0x1FFFU) << 13));
    public byte area // : 6
        get => (byte)((_bitfield >> 26) & 0x3FU);
        set => _bitfield = (uint)((_bitfield & ~((uint)0x3FU << 26)) | ((uint)(value & 0x3FU) << 26));
于 2021-08-21T07:04:05.053 回答