我的应用程序将 Paypal 作为支付选项,在使用 Selenium Web Driver 进行自动化测试时,流程继续进行,没有任何错误,但是当流程导航到 Paypal 登录页面时,填写所有字段(用户名、密码),然后单击登录按钮,EXPECTED FLOW Is: page redirects to order confirm page, but the Paypal login page get refresh and stay on the page with empty fields
. _ 我还通过增加超时秒数来检查它,但没有任何反应。下面是我的代码:
public void testAsdChannel(){
for(RemoteWebDriver driver: drivers){
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
HomePage hPage = HomePage.navigateTo(driver, SERVER);
AsdConfirmPage asdPage = asdChannelFlow.acceptOffer();
asdChannelPage.paypalLogin("username", "pswd");
Assert.assertEquals(asdConfirmPage.asdOrderConfirm(), "Your order has been received");
// 下面我提供 paypalLogin(String userName, String pswd) 方法:
public void paypalLogin(String username, String password){
paypalEmail.sendKeys(username); // 'paypalEmail'text field element on paypal login page
paypalPswd.sendKeys(password); // 'paypalPswd' field element on same.
paypalLoginBtn.submit(); // 'paypalLoginBtn' button element on same
// 这里是元素 paypalLoginBtn, paypalPswd, paypalEmail
@FindBy(name = "email")
WebElement paypalEmail;
@FindBy(name = "password")
WebElement paypalPassword;
@FindBy(id = "loginButton")
WebElement paypalLoginBtn;