我将样式文本从 MS word 复制/粘贴到在线文本编辑器。当我使用 JavaScriptclipboardData.getData("text/html")
获取 htmlstring 时,我可以看到文本已经转换为 HTML/CSS 样式,例如 indent 将转换为text-indent="10dp"
. 并将"\t"
替换为" "
. 有没有办法保留文本中的所有控制字符?
从 HTML 字符串
THE BOAT did not sail until late afternoon, but so eager was **CRLF**
Robert Townsend to get home that he thought, had there been a day as long as **CRLF**
THE BOAT did not sail until late afternoon, but so eager was Robert Townsend to get home that he thought, had there been a day as long as this.
对不起,也许我的问题之前不够清楚。当我通过 doc.body.textContent||doc.body.innerText 剥离 html 字符串时,我仍然在结果字符串中得到 CRLF,那么如何摆脱那些样式标记。就像 clipboardData.getData("text") 一样吗?