I am working on asp.net mvc. I am trying to display a form in jquery dialog box, like

        autoOpen: false,
        width: 420,
        resizable: false,
        modal: true,
        buttons: {
            OK: function () {
            Cancel: function () {
        close: function () {

it works fine. the buttons in the dialog-box are displayed at lower bottom of the dialog. but i need to display the buttons at the top left corner of the dialog box after the dialog title bar. I have tried with some jquery code to position the button panel like,

var btnset = $(this).parent().children('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').html();
            $("<div class='ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix'>" + btnset + "</div>").insertAfter($(this).parent().children('.ui-dialog-titlebar'));
            $('.ui-dialog-buttonset').css('float', 'left');
            $('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').css('border-width', '0px 0px 1px 0px');

the button panel successfully positioned at top left corner but it doesnot fire button click events. Please guide me.


2 回答 2



  open: function (event, ui) {
于 2013-12-03T09:37:08.347 回答

您的代码存在问题,您正在删除 dom 元素及其相关事件。尝试克隆 dom 元素并做一些样式。稍后完成后,您将删除原始文件。将其更改为



var objbuttonPane = $(this).parent().children('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').clone(true);
//once you done with styling and positiong the button. you do  remove the original element  and append the cloned element

或者为什么你需要 Jquery 按钮?您可以将提交/链接放在您选择的任何地方并设置它们的样式。只是不要在 jquery 对话框中传递按钮对象。像这样的东西。

        autoOpen: true,
        width: 420,
        resizable: false,
        modal: true,       
        close: function () {


于 2013-01-22T10:37:38.590 回答