我正在编写一个函数,将字符串解析为另一个函数使用的列表。它执行的操作之一是将字符附加到(有时是深度递归)列表中特定递归深度(由名为 的变量定义的深度)的字符串lvl
def listAssign(lst,index,item):
"""Assigns item item to list lst at index index, returns modified list."""
lst[index] = item
return lst
def listInsert(lst,index,item):
"""Inserts item item to list lst at index index, returns modified list."""
print "listInsert just got called with these arguments:",lst,index,item
if index == 'end':
index = len(lst)
return lst
def listSurgery(lst,indices,f,*extraArgs):
"""Performs operation f on list lst at depth at indices indices, returns modified list."""
print "listSurgery just got called with these arguments:",lst,indices,f,extraArgs
parent = lst
for index in indices[:-1]:
parent = parent[index]
parent = f(parent,indices[-1],*extraArgs)
return listSurgery(lst,indices[:-1],listAssign,parent)
def parseStringToList(s):
"""Takes in a user-input string, and converts it into a list to be passed into parseListToExpr."""
# ...
l = [] # List to build from string; built by serially appending stuff as it comes up
b = True # Bool for whether the parser is experiencing spaces (supposed to be True if last character processed was a space)
t = False # Bool for whether the parser is experiencing a string of non-alphanumeric characters (supposed to be True if last character was a non-alphanumeric character)
lvl = 0 # Keeps track of depth at which operations are supposed to be occurring
for c in s:
if c == ' ': # If c is a space, ignore it but send signal to break off any strings currently being written to
b = True
# Some elifs for c being non alphanumeric
else: # If c is alphanumeric, append it to the string it's working on
print c,"got passed as an alphanumeric; lvl is",lvl
assert c.isalnum()
if b or t: # If the string it's working on isn't alphanumeric or doesn't exist, append a new string
l = listSurgery(l,[-1]*lvl + ['end'],listInsert,'')
b, t = False, False
l = listSurgery(l,[-1]*(lvl+1),lambda x,y,z:listAssign(x,y,x[y]+z),c)
print l
return l
while op != 'exit' and op != 'quit': # Keep a REPL unless the user types "exit" or "quit", in which case exit
op = raw_input("> ")
if op == 'help':
pass # Print help stuff
elif op in {'quit','exit'}:
print str(parseStringToList(op))
python -tt code.py
我用和 typed调用了代码1+1=2
> 1+1=2
1 got passed as an alphanumeric; lvl is 0
listSurgery just got called with these arguments: [] ['end'] <function listInsert at 0x10e9d16e0> ('',)
listInsert just got called with these arguments: [] end
listSurgery just got called with these arguments: [''] [] <function listAssign at 0x10e9d10c8> ([''],)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "analysis.py", line 276, in <module>
print str(parseStringToList(op))
File "analysis.py", line 218, in parseStringToList
l = listSurgery(l,[-1]*lvl + ['end'],listInsert,'')
File "analysis.py", line 63, in listSurgery
return listSurgery(lst,indices[:-1],listAssign,parent)
File "analysis.py", line 62, in listSurgery
parent = f(parent,indices[-1],*extraArgs)
IndexError: list index out of range