,因为收到了 HTML 响应。更糟糕的是,UIWebView
. 这是处理它的一种方法:
@interface ViewController () <UIWebViewDelegate, NSURLConnectionDataDelegate>
@property (nonatomic) BOOL validatedRequest;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSURL *originalUrl;
@implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// since `shouldStartLoadWithRequest` only validates when a user clicks on a link, we'll bypass that
// here and go right to the `NSURLConnection`, which will validate the request, and if good, it will
// load the web view for us.
self.originalUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://www.stackoverflow.com"];
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:self.originalUrl];
[NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
#pragma mark - UIWebViewDelegate
// you will see this called for 404 errors
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
self.validatedRequest = NO; // reset this for the next link the user clicks on
// you will not see this called for 404 errors
- (void)webView:(UIWebView *)webView didFailLoadWithError:(NSError *)error
NSLog(@"%s error=%@", __FUNCTION__, error);
// this is where you could, intercept HTML requests and route them through
// NSURLConnection, to see if the server responds successfully.
- (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType)navigationType
// we're only validating links we click on; if we validated that successfully, though, let's just go open it
// nb: we're only validating links we click on because some sites initiate additional html requests of
// their own, and don't want to get involved in mediating each and every server request; we're only
// going to concern ourselves with those links the user clicks on.
if (self.validatedRequest || navigationType != UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked)
return YES;
// if user clicked on a link and we haven't validated it yet, let's do so
self.originalUrl = request.URL;
[NSURLConnection connectionWithRequest:request delegate:self];
// and if we're validating, don't bother to have the web view load it yet ...
// the `didReceiveResponse` will do that for us once the connection has been validated
return NO;
#pragma mark - NSURLConnectionDataDelegate method
// This code inspired by http://www.ardalahmet.com/2011/08/18/how-to-detect-and-handle-http-status-codes-in-uiwebviews/
// Given that some ISPs do redirects that one might otherwise prefer to see handled as errors, I'm also checking
// to see if the original URL's host matches the response's URL. This logic may be too restrictive (some valid redirects
// will be rejected, such as www.adobephotoshop.com which redirects you to www.adobe.com), but does capture the ISP
// redirect problem I am concerned about.
- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
NSString *originalUrlHostName = self.originalUrl.host;
NSString *responseUrlHostName = response.URL.host;
NSRange originalInResponse = [responseUrlHostName rangeOfString:originalUrlHostName]; // handle where we went to "apple.com" and got redirected to "www.apple.com"
NSRange responseInOriginal = [originalUrlHostName rangeOfString:responseUrlHostName]; // handle where we went to "www.stackoverflow.com" and got redirected to "stackoverflow.com"
if (originalInResponse.location == NSNotFound && responseInOriginal.location == NSNotFound) {
NSLog(@"%s you were redirected from %@ to %@", __FUNCTION__, self.originalUrl.absoluteString, response.URL.absoluteString);
if ([response isKindOfClass:[NSHTTPURLResponse class]]) {
NSInteger statusCode = [(NSHTTPURLResponse *)response statusCode];
if (statusCode < 200 || statusCode >= 300) {
NSLog(@"%s request to %@ failed with statusCode=%d", __FUNCTION__, response.URL.absoluteString, statusCode);
} else {
self.validatedRequest = YES;
[self.webView loadRequest:connection.originalRequest];
[connection cancel];
请注意,在我的实现中,我不仅要检查状态代码,还要检查重定向(您可能想做也可能不想做)。我这样做是因为一些 ISP 拦截了 HTTP 请求,如果找不到目标站点,则将您重定向到他们自己的搜索网页(知道我的 ISP 正在检查我搜索的每个网站,我认为这有点令人毛骨悚然)。如果你正在处理通过 wifi 连接的 iPhone,你必须处理这些变幻莫测的问题。
因此,例如,我上面的代码正在搜索“ http://www.applecom/pages ”(其中我故意省略了“.com”的句点,这应该会导致 DNS 查找失败),但是我的 ISP, Verizon,拦截了请求并通过 HTTP 连接重定向到他们自己的搜索页面,因此,我的应用程序报告:
2013-01-21 23:14:21.896 webtest[24198:c07] -[ViewController 连接:didReceiveResponse:] 你从http://www.applecom/pages重定向到http://search.dnsassist.verizon.net/协助.php?url=www.applecom
您可能需要考虑哪些类型的重定向是可接受的(例如,如果您转到“www.adobephotoshop.com”,它会将您重定向到“www.adobe.com”)以及哪些类型不是(例如,如果我转到“www.applecom”,它会将我重定向到“search.dnsassist.verizon.net”。我可能担心一个相当狭窄的问题(由于我的 ISP 而影响到我),但这是值得考虑的事情。