I want to know what is the path for the assets folder. I'm using Irrlicht Engine for render the graphics, and as you can see in the following code, I add a Folder File Archive to use the assets in the folder MyGameAssets that is located in the sd card directory.

//Create the irrlichtDevice
device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OGLES1,
            irr::core::dimension2d<irr::u32>(screenWidth, screenHeight), 32,
            false, false, false, 0);

//With this path my Game can use the assets in the folder that is on SD card

Whith those lines of code my Android Game works fine, but as I said before, I don't want to use the sdcard/MyGameAssetsFolder/. I want to use the Assets Folder of the Android Project. What could be the possible path? Is there any other solution in order to not to use the sdcard path?


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I'm guessing you're following "Android NDK Beginner's Guide" Book tutorial. I am too! and I'm having the same issue you are having.

Seems there's no way pure Native C++ can access the asset folder inside the apk. You have to make your app JNI so with Java you can pass the asset folder path to C++.

But, it seems there's also a way to use the AAssetManager inside android native glue library but I don't know how because there is no documentation about, not even inside the docs folder inside NDK folder.

于 2013-03-14T03:08:31.503 回答