我有一个问题,我有一个 php 脚本来检查电子邮件地址是否存在。
但似乎 yahoo、hotmail、aol 和其他提供商正在接受任何电子邮件,而不是拒绝无效电子邮件。
只有 Gmail 和许多像 stackoverflow.com 这样的域拒绝无效的电子邮件。
html 发布表单
<form action="checkemail.php" method="POST">
<b>E-mail</b> <input type="text" name="email">
<input type="submit">
/* Validate an email address. */
function jValidateEmailUsingSMTP($sToEmail, $sFromDomain = "gmail.com", $sFromEmail = "email@gmail.com", $bIsDebug = false) {
$bIsValid = true; // assume the address is valid by default..
$aEmailParts = explode("@", $sToEmail); // extract the user/domain..
getmxrr($aEmailParts[1], $aMatches); // get the mx records..
if (sizeof($aMatches) == 0) {
return false; // no mx records..
foreach ($aMatches as $oValue) {
if ($bIsValid && !isset($sResponseCode)) {
// open the connection..
$oConnection = @fsockopen($oValue, 25, $errno, $errstr, 30);
$oResponse = @fgets($oConnection);
if (!$oConnection) {
$aConnectionLog['Connection'] = "ERROR";
$aConnectionLog['ConnectionResponse'] = $errstr;
$bIsValid = false; // unable to connect..
} else {
$aConnectionLog['Connection'] = "SUCCESS";
$aConnectionLog['ConnectionResponse'] = $errstr;
$bIsValid = true; // so far so good..
if (!$bIsValid) {
if ($bIsDebug) print_r($aConnectionLog);
return false;
// say hello to the server..
fputs($oConnection, "HELO $sFromDomain\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['HELO'] = $oResponse;
// send the email from..
fputs($oConnection, "MAIL FROM: <$sFromEmail>\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['MailFromResponse'] = $oResponse;
// send the email to..
fputs($oConnection, "RCPT TO: <$sToEmail>\r\n");
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
$aConnectionLog['MailToResponse'] = $oResponse;
// get the response code..
$sResponseCode = substr($aConnectionLog['MailToResponse'], 0, 3);
$sBaseResponseCode = substr($sResponseCode, 0, 1);
// say goodbye..
$oResponse = fgets($oConnection);
// get the quit code and response..
$aConnectionLog['QuitResponse'] = $oResponse;
$aConnectionLog['QuitCode'] = substr($oResponse, 0, 3);
if ($sBaseResponseCode == "5") {
$bIsValid = false; // the address is not valid..
// close the connection..
if ($bIsDebug) {
print_r($aConnectionLog); // output debug info..
return $bIsValid;
$email = $_POST['email'];
$bIsEmailValid = jValidateEmailUsingSMTP("$email", "gmail.com", "email@gmail.com");
echo $bIsEmailValid ? "<b>Valid!</b>" : "Invalid! :(";