语言是VBA。该应用程序是 Access 2003(我也可以使用 Excel)和 Internet Explorer(在 Windows XP/7 上)。
我正在开发一个 Access 宏,它可以打开和操作我工作的企业的 Intranet 站点。
我可以创建新的 IE 窗口并在表单中填写数据,但我需要能够拦截和操作其他 IE 窗口,例如当我单击链接时打开的弹出窗口,当我选择一个选择元素的选项或页面加载时。
语言是VBA。该应用程序是 Access 2003(我也可以使用 Excel)和 Internet Explorer(在 Windows XP/7 上)。
我正在开发一个 Access 宏,它可以打开和操作我工作的企业的 Intranet 站点。
我可以创建新的 IE 窗口并在表单中填写数据,但我需要能够拦截和操作其他 IE 窗口,例如当我单击链接时打开的弹出窗口,当我选择一个选择元素的选项或页面加载时。
这是我用来从标题中获取 IE 窗口的一些代码。它分为两个功能,因为我的一个用户遇到了一个非常奇怪的问题,即没有正确捕获错误。您可能(可能会)能够将私有函数的主体移动到公共函数中。
此外,您需要设置对 Microsoft Internet 控件的引用(这是 shdocvw.dll 或 ieframe.dll,具体取决于您的 Windows 版本),我建议您设置对 Microsoft HTML 对象库的引用以使其更容易拥有 IE 对象后遍历 DOM。
Function oGetIEWindowFromTitle(sTitle As String, _
Optional bCaseSensitive As Boolean = False, _
Optional bExact As Boolean = False) As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim objShellWindows As New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
Dim found As Boolean
Dim startTime As Single
found = False
'Loop through shell windows
For Each oGetIEWindowFromTitle In objShellWindows
found = oGetIEWindowFromTitleHandler(oGetIEWindowFromTitle, sTitle, bCaseSensitive, bExact)
If found Then Exit For
'Check whether a window was found
If Not found Then
Set oGetIEWindowFromTitle = Nothing
pauseUntilIEReady oGetIEWindowFromTitle
End If
End Function
Private Function oGetIEWindowFromTitleHandler(win As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer, _
sTitle As String, _
bCaseSensitive As Boolean, _
bExact As Boolean) As Boolean
oGetIEWindowFromTitleHandler = False
On Error GoTo handler
'If the document is of type HTMLDocument, it is an IE window
If TypeName(win.Document) = "HTMLDocument" Then
'Check whether the title contains the passed title
If bExact Then
If (win.Document.title = sTitle) Or ((Not bCaseSensitive) And (LCase(sTitle) = LCase(win.Document.title))) Then oGetIEWindowFromTitleHandler = True
If InStr(1, win.Document.title, sTitle) Or ((Not bCaseSensitive) And (InStr(1, LCase(win.Document.title), LCase(sTitle), vbTextCompare) <> 0)) Then oGetIEWindowFromTitleHandler = True
End If
End If
'We assume here that if an error is raised it's because
'the window is not of the correct type. Therefore we
'simply ignore it and carry on.
End Function
Sub test()
Dim ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim doc As HTMLDocument 'If you have a reference to the HTML Object Library
'Dim doc as Object 'If you do not have a reference to the HTML Object Library
' Change the title here as required
Set ie = oGetIEWindowFromTitle("My popup window")
Set doc = ie.Document
Debug.Print doc.getElementsByTagName("body").Item(0).innerText
End Sub