我需要一些帮助是这段代码。我知道应该递归的部分,或者至少我认为我知道但不确定如何实现它。我正在尝试从对齐矩阵中实现寻路程序,该程序将找到返回零值的多条路线。例如,如果您执行我的代码并插入 CGCA 作为第一个序列,将 CACGTAT 作为第二个序列,以及 1、0 和 -1 作为匹配、不匹配和差距分数。该程序给出的路径为 HDHHDD,对齐方式为
然而,除了我不知道有多少之外,还有更多可能的路径和路线。我想要做的是让我的一段代码自行循环并找到其他路径和对齐方式,使用与第一次相同的代码,直到它用完可能的对齐方式。我在网上找到的最好的方法是递归,除了没有人能解释如何做到这一点。在这种情况下,应该有另外两条路径和对齐方式 HDDDHHD 和 CACGTAT 以及 C--GCA- 和。HDDDDHH、CACGTAT 和--CGCA-。我只是不知道如何编写代码来执行此任务。
# Implementation of Needleman and Wunsch Algorithm
my($seq1, $len1, $seq2, $len2, $data, @matrix, $i, $j, $x, $y, $val1, $val2);
my($val3, $pathrow, $pathcol, $seq1loc, $seq2loc, $gapscore, $matchscore, $mismatchscore);
#first obtain the data from the user.
print "Please enter the first sequence for comaprsion\n";
chomp $seq1;
print "Please enter the second sequence for comparsion\n";
chomp $seq2;
# adding extra characters so sequences align with matrix
# saves some calculations later on
$seq1 = " " . $seq1;
$seq2 = " " . $seq2;
$len1 = length($seq1);
$len2 = length($seq2);
print "Enter the match score: ";
chomp $matchscore;
print "Enter the mismatch score: ";
chomp $mismatchscore;
print "Enter the gap score: ";
chomp $gapscore;
# declare a two dimensional array and initialize to spaces
# array must contain one extra row and one extra column
@matrix = ();
for($i = 0; $i < $len1; $i++){
for($j = 0; $j < $len2; $j++){
$matrix[$i][$j] = ' ';
# initialize 1st row and 1st column of matrix
$matrix[0][0] = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < $len1; $i ++){
$matrix[$i][0] = $matrix[$i-1][0] + $gapscore;
for ($i = 1; $i < $len2; $i ++){
$matrix[0][$i] = $matrix[0][$i-1] + $gapscore;
# STEP 1:
# Fill in rest of matrix using the following rules:
# determine three possible values for matrix[x][y]
# value 1 = add gap score to matrix[x][y-1]
# value 2 = add gap score to matrix[x-1][y]
# value 3 = add match score or mismatch score to
# matrix[x-1][y-1] depending on nucleotide
# match for position x of $seq1 and position y
# of seq2
# place the largest of the three values in matrix[x][y]
# Best alignment score appears in matrix[$len1][$len2].
for($x = 1; $x < $len1; $x++){
for($y = 1; $y < $len2; $y++){
$val1 = $matrix[$x][$y-1] + $gapscore;
$val2 = $matrix[$x-1][$y] + $gapscore;
if (substr($seq1, $x, 1) eq substr($seq2, $y, 1)){
$val3 = $matrix[$x-1][$y-1] + $matchscore;
$val3 = $matrix[$x-1][$y-1] + $mismatchscore;
if (($val1 >= $val2) && ($val1 >= $val3)){
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val1;
elsif (($val2 >= $val1) && ($val2 >= $val3)){
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val2;
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val3;
# Display scoring matrix
print "MATRIX:\n";
for($x = 0; $x < $len1; $x++){
for($y = 0; $y < $len2; $y++){
print "$matrix[$x][$y] ";
print "\n";
print "\n";
# STEP 2:
# Begin at matrix[$len1][$len2] and find a path to
# matrix[0][0].
# Build string to hold path pattern by concatenating either
# 'H' (current cell produced by cell horizontally to left),
# 'D' (current cell produced by cell on diagonal),
# 'V' (current cell produced by cell vertically above)
# ***This is were I need help I need this code to be recursive, so I can find more then one path***
$pathrow = $len1-1;
$pathcol = $len2-1;
while (($pathrow != 0) || ($pathcol != 0)){
if ($pathrow == 0){
# must be from cell to left
$path = $path . 'H';
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
elsif ($pathcol == 0){
# must be from cell above
$path = $path . 'V';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
# could be from any direction
elsif (($matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol-1] + $gapscore) == $matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol]){
# from left
$path = $path . 'H';
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
elsif (($matrix[$pathrow-1][$pathcol] + $gapscore) == $matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol]){
# from above
$path = $path . 'V';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
# must be from diagonal
$path = $path . 'D';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
print "Path is $path\n";
# STEP 3:
# Determine alignment pattern by reading path string
# created in step 2.
# Create two string variables ($alignseq1 and $alignseq2) to hold
# the sequences for alignment.
# Reading backwards from $seq1, $seq2 and path string,
# if string character is 'D', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1, last char in $seq1
# and to the front of $alignseq2, last char in $seq2
# if string character is 'V', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1, last char in $seq1
# and to the front of $alignseq2, the gap char
# if string character is 'H', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1 the gap char
# and to the front of $alignseq2, last char in $seq2
# Continue process until path string has been traversed.
# Result appears in string $alignseq1 and $seq2
***#I need this code to be recursive as well.***
$seq1loc = $len1-1;
$seq2loc = $len2-1;
$pathloc = 0;
print length($path);
while ($pathloc < length($path)){
if (substr($path, $pathloc, 1) eq 'D'){
$alignseq1 = substr($seq1, $seq1loc, 1) . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = substr($seq2, $seq2loc, 1) . $alignseq2;
elsif (substr($path, $pathloc, 1) eq 'V'){
$alignseq1 = substr($seq1, $seq1loc, 1) . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = '-' . $alignseq2;
else{ # must be an H
$alignseq1 = '-' . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = substr($seq2, $seq2loc, 1) . $alignseq2;
print "\nAligned Sequences:\n";
print "$alignseq2 \n";
print "$alignseq1 \n";
# statement may be needed to hold output screen
print "Press any key to exit program";
$x = <STDIN>;
如果有人想知道这是一种needleman-wunsch 算法。这里的任何帮助都会非常感激。