我正在使用 python gdata 库复制和移动特定文件夹中的 google Docs 文件。我正在使用 DocsClient 中的 MoveResource 方法,该文件出现在所需的文件夹中,但也保留在根文件夹中。


import gdata.docs.service
import gdata.docs.client
import gdata.docs.data

doc_service = gdata.docs.client.DocsClient() 
doc_service.ClientLogin('myId', 'myPassword', 'myAppName')

# this is my source document
doc = doc_service.GetResourceById('ABC123')

# extracting the folder of my source document to move the copy in the same folder
for parent in doc.InCollections(): 
    if parent.title == 'myFilter':
        destination_folder_id = parent.href.split('%3A')[1]
        destination_folder = doc_service.GetResourceById(destination_folder_id)

# making a copy of my source
newdoc = doc_service.CopyResource(doc, 'Test Python')

# moving my copy to the same folder as my source
# but the copy also stays in the root folder!
moveddoc = doc_service.MoveResource( newdoc, destination_folder )

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您可以使用以下代码从根集合中删除 Google Docs 文件:

doc_service.Delete('https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/folder%3Aroot/contents/' + doc.resource_id.text, force=True)
于 2013-05-30T19:36:55.050 回答