我已经在我的网站上实现了 jsTree,并带有一个用于树存储和检索的 php/MySQL 后端。我使用了 jsTree 下载附带的 php/MySQL 演示作为基本基础架构,然后根据我的需要进行了修改。
我进行了修改,以便可以将多棵树存储在同一个数据库中,并添加了一个新的“owner_id”列,用于存储创建该特定树的人的用户 ID。
创建新分支或移动分支的 php 代码无法正常工作,因为它没有考虑到数据库中有多个树。
jsTree 使用嵌套集模型,脚本正在调整数据库中所有树的左右值,而不仅仅是添加了新分支的树。这正在慢慢破坏整个数据库。
function _create($parent, $position) {
return $this->_move(0, $parent, $position);
function _move($id, $ref_id, $position = 0, $is_copy = false) {
$hbhbhbh = fSession::get('nodes_allowed[nodes_access]');
if ($hbhbhbh == "0" || $hbhbhbh == "2" || $hbhbhbh == "3") {
if((int)$ref_id === 0 || (int)$id === 1) { return false; }
$sql = array(); // Queries executed at the end
$node = $this->_get_node_ifuueuwyhddd($id); // Node data
$nchildren = $this->_get_children($id); // Node children
$ref_node = $this->_get_node_ifuueuwyhddd($ref_id); // Ref node data
$rchildren = $this->_get_children($ref_id);// Ref node children
$ndif = 2;
$node_ids = array(-1);
if($node !== false) {
$node_ids = array_keys($this->_get_children($id, true));
// TODO: should be !$is_copy && , but if copied to self - screws some right indexes
if(in_array($ref_id, $node_ids)) return false;
$ndif = $node[$this->fields["right"]] - $node[$this->fields["left"]] + 1;
if($position >= count($rchildren)) {
$position = count($rchildren);
// Not creating or copying - old parent is cleaned
if($node !== false && $is_copy == false) {
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["position"]."` = `".$this->fields["position"]."` - 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["parent_id"]."` = ".$node[$this->fields["parent_id"]]." AND " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."` > ".$node[$this->fields["position"]];
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["left"]."` = `".$this->fields["left"]."` - ".$ndif." " .
"WHERE `".$this->fields["left"]."` > ".$node[$this->fields["right"]];
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["right"]."` = `".$this->fields["right"]."` - ".$ndif." " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."` > ".$node[$this->fields["left"]]." AND " .
"`".$this->fields["id"]."` NOT IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") ";
// Preparing new parent
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["position"]."` = `".$this->fields["position"]."` + 1 " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["parent_id"]."` = ".$ref_id." AND " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."` >= ".$position." " .
( $is_copy ? "" : " AND `".$this->fields["id"]."` NOT IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") ");
$ref_ind = $ref_id === 0 ? (int)$rchildren[count($rchildren) - 1][$this->fields["right"]] + 1 : (int)$ref_node[$this->fields["right"]];
$ref_ind = max($ref_ind, 1);
$self = ($node !== false && !$is_copy && (int)$node[$this->fields["parent_id"]] == $ref_id && $position > $node[$this->fields["position"]]) ? 1 : 0;
foreach($rchildren as $k => $v) {
if($v[$this->fields["position"]] - $self == $position) {
$ref_ind = (int)$v[$this->fields["left"]];
if($node !== false && !$is_copy && $node[$this->fields["left"]] < $ref_ind) {
$ref_ind -= $ndif;
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["left"]."` = `".$this->fields["left"]."` + ".$ndif." " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["left"]."` >= ".$ref_ind." " .
( $is_copy ? "" : " AND `".$this->fields["id"]."` NOT IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") ");
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` " .
"SET `".$this->fields["right"]."` = `".$this->fields["right"]."` + ".$ndif." " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."` >= ".$ref_ind." " .
( $is_copy ? "" : " AND `".$this->fields["id"]."` NOT IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") ");
$ldif = $ref_id == 0 ? 0 : $ref_node[$this->fields["level"]] + 1;
$idif = $ref_ind;
if($node !== false) {
$ldif = $node[$this->fields["level"]] - ($ref_node[$this->fields["level"]] + 1);
$idif = $node[$this->fields["left"]] - $ref_ind;
if($is_copy) {
$sql[] = "" .
"INSERT INTO `".$this->table."` (" .
"`".$this->fields["parent_id"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["left"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["level"]."`" .
") " .
"".$ref_id.", " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["left"]."` - (".($idif + ($node[$this->fields["left"]] >= $ref_ind ? $ndif : 0))."), " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."` - (".($idif + ($node[$this->fields["left"]] >= $ref_ind ? $ndif : 0))."), " .
"`".$this->fields["level"]."` - (".$ldif.") " .
"FROM `".$this->table."` " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["id"]."` IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") " .
"ORDER BY `".$this->fields["level"]."` ASC";
else {
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` SET " .
"`".$this->fields["parent_id"]."` = ".$ref_id.", " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."` = ".$position." " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["id"]."` = ".$id;
$sql[] = "" .
"UPDATE `".$this->table."` SET " .
"`".$this->fields["left"]."` = `".$this->fields["left"]."` - (".$idif."), " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."` = `".$this->fields["right"]."` - (".$idif."), " .
"`".$this->fields["level"]."` = `".$this->fields["level"]."` - (".$ldif.") " .
"WHERE " .
"`".$this->fields["id"]."` IN (".implode(",", $node_ids).") ";
else {
$ewre = fSession::get('user[user_id]');
$sql[] = "" .
"INSERT INTO `".$this->table."` (" .
"`".$this->fields["owner"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["parent_id"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["position"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["left"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["right"]."`, " .
"`".$this->fields["level"]."` " .
") " .
"VALUES (" .
$ewre.", " .
$ref_id.", " .
$position.", " .
$idif.", " .
($idif + 1).", " .
foreach($sql as $q) { $this->db->query($q); }
$ind = $this->db->insert_id();
if($is_copy) $this->_fix_copy($ind, $position);
return $node === false || $is_copy ? $ind : true;