我在使用 Javascript 计时器时遇到问题。基本上,我有这两个页面元素:

<input type="checkbox" id="chk" />
<input type="button id="clearAll" value="Clear Timers" />

以及以下管理它们的 Javascript:

// store all page timers here
var timers = new Array(); 

// clears all page timers
function clearTimers () {
    console.log("Clearing all timers.")
    for (var i = 0; i< timers.length; i++)
            clearTimeout (timers[i]);

// does stuff
function foo (whichTimer, interval) {
    console.log("I am timer " + whichTimer + " running once every " + interval);

// document load
$(document).ready(function () {


// check status at document load
if ( $("input#chk").is(':checked') )
        console.log("Input checked at start. Creating refresh.")
        t1 = setInterval("foo(1, 2000)", 2000);
        timers.push(t1); // add our timer to array
        console.log("Index of t1 is: " + timers.indexOf(t1));
    console.log("Input not checked at start.");
    clearTimeout(t1); //optional

// refresh toggle click handler
$("input#chk").click( function() {
    if ( $(this).is(':checked') )
        console.log("Input got checked.");
        if (!t1) {
            console.log("We don't have a t1 yet. Creating.")
            t1 = setInterval("foo(1, 2000)", 2000);
            timers.push(t1); // add our timer to array
            console.log("Index of t1 is: " + timers.indexOf(t1));
        else {
            console.log("t1 already exists and is clear. Setting new timeout.");
            t1 = setInterval("foo(1,2000)", 2000);
            console.log("Index of t1 is: " + timers.indexOf(t1));
        console.log ("Input got unchecked. Clearing t1.");
        console.log("Index of t1 is: " + timers.indexOf(t1));






Input not checked at start.
Input got checked.
We don't have a t1 yet. Creating.
Index of t1 is: 0
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
Input got unchecked. Clearing t1.
Index of t1 is: 0
Input got checked.
t1 already exists and is clear. Setting new timeout.
Index of t1 is: 0
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
Input got unchecked. Clearing t1.
Index of t1 is: -1 <--------------- This is what starts to worry me
Input got checked.
t1 already exists and is clear. Setting new timeout.
Index of t1 is: -1
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
Clearing all timers.
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
I am timer 1 running once every 2000
Input got unchecked. Clearing t1. <------- Need to uncheck the box to stop the timer
Index of t1 is: -1

还要注意Array.indexOf(t1)在同一组操作之后如何首先返回 0,然后返回 -1。话虽如此:


问题 2:我该怎么做才能让我的代码正常工作?


1 回答 1




var i = setInterval(foo, 1000);

var t = setTimeout(foo, 1000);
于 2013-01-21T17:06:28.203 回答