
我的电脑正在运行带有邮件 4.6 的雪豹,而他的正在运行带有邮件 5.3 的 Lion,如果这有什么不同的话。

此外,我的收件箱只有大约 400 封邮件,因为我通常不使用邮件并且只收到这些邮件来测试脚本,而他的邮件超过 60 000 封。

脚本在大约 20 秒内浏览了我的电子邮件,而在他的邮件中花了 2 分钟完成 40 次,然后冻结了。




tell application "Finder" to set ptd to path to documents folder as string
    set theFile to ptd & "extracted3.txt"
    set theFileID to open for access theFile with write permission

set counter to 0

tell application "Mail"
    set selectionMessage to selection -- just select the first message in the folder
    set thisMessage to item 1 of selectionMessage
    set theseMessages to (every message in (mailbox of thisMessage))
    repeat with eachMessage in theseMessages
            set counter to counter + 1
            set theFrom to (extract address from sender of eachMessage)
            set theFromName to (extract name from sender of eachMessage)
            set theFromTemp to theFrom & "," & theFromName & "," & counter
            write theFromTemp & return to theFileID as «class utf8»
            if (address of to recipient) of eachMessage is not {} then
                repeat with i from 1 to count of to recipient of eachMessage
                    set theTo to (address of to recipient i) of eachMessage as string
                    set theToName to (name of to recipient i) of eachMessage as string
                    set theToTemp to theTo & "," & theToName & "," & counter
                    write theToTemp & return to theFileID as «class utf8»
                end repeat
            end if
            if (address of cc recipient) of eachMessage is not {} then
                repeat with i from 1 to count of cc recipient of eachMessage
                    set theCC to (address of cc recipient i) of eachMessage as string
                    set theCCName to (name of cc recipient i) of eachMessage as string
                    set theCCTemp to theCC & "," & theCCName & "," & counter
                    write theCCTemp & return to theFileID as «class utf8»
                end repeat
            end if
        end try
    end repeat
end tell

close access theFileID

1 回答 1


编辑:经过进一步考虑,我删除了我发布的第一个脚本。我的想法是你看到的问题是因为你在这条线上一次收到了 60,000 多封电子邮件......

set theseMessages to (every message in (mailbox of thisMessage))

所以这个想法是一次只得到一堆。我使用变量 writeEveryXMessages 来指定您应该一次获得 500 条消息,并且在每个循环中我们获得下一个 500 条直到完成。

注意:我修改了您的代码以提高效率并修复了一些可能的错误,例如写命令不再在 Mail tell 代码块中。此外,它现在一次将这 500 条消息写入文件。此脚本适用于 Mountain Lion 和 Mail v6.2。它也应该对你有用。


set theFile to (path to documents folder as text) & "extracted3.txt"
set writeEveryXMessages to 500
set counter to 1

    set theFileID to open for access file theFile with write permission

    tell application "Mail"
        set selectedMessage to item 1 of (get selection)
        set theMailbox to mailbox of selectedMessage
        set messageCount to count of messages in theMailbox
    end tell

        set endCount to counter + writeEveryXMessages
        if endCount is greater than messageCount then set endCount to messageCount
        set theString to ""

        tell application "Mail"
            set theseMessages to messages counter thru endCount of theMailbox
        end tell

        repeat with eachMessage in theseMessages
            set theFromTemp to ""
            set theToTemp to ""
            set theCCTemp to ""

                tell application "Mail"
                    tell eachMessage
                        set theSender to sender
                        set toRecipients to to recipients
                        set ccRecipients to cc recipients
                    end tell

                    set theFrom to extract address from theSender
                    set theFromName to extract name from theSender
                    set theFromTemp to "From: " & theFrom & "," & theFromName & "," & counter & return

                    if toRecipients is not {} then
                        repeat with toRecipient in toRecipients
                                set theTo to address of toRecipient
                                set theToName to name of toRecipient
                                set theToTemp to theToTemp & "  To: " & theTo & "," & theToName & "," & counter & return
                            end try
                        end repeat
                    end if

                    if ccRecipients is not {} then
                        repeat with ccRecipient in ccRecipients
                                set theCC to address of ccRecipient
                                set theCCName to name of ccRecipient
                                set theCCTemp to theCCTemp & "  CC: " & theCC & "," & theCCName & "," & counter & return
                            end try
                        end repeat
                    end if
                end tell

                set theString to theString & theFromTemp & theToTemp & theCCTemp & return
            end try

            set counter to counter + 1
        end repeat

        write theString to theFileID as «class utf8»
        if counter is greater than or equal to messageCount then
            set theString to ""
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat

    close access theFileID
on error theError
    log theError
        close access file theFile
    end try
end try
于 2013-01-21T22:14:06.140 回答