我正在用 html 制作一个可编辑和可打印的表单,以生成发票和我们的条款和条件等文档。这是为了我的一个小生意。我以为我说的都是对的,但是...


<h1>Artikel 1</h1>
Spotlight Student gaat akkoord met de levering van diensten voor de klant in de volgende vorm:<br><br>
   <li>Gelegenheid: <span contenteditable>Evenement</span></li>
   <li>Datum: <span contenteditable>Datum van evenement</span></li>
   <li>Tijd: <span contenteditable>Tijd van aankomst</span></li>
   <li>Locatie: <span contenteditable>Adres Locatie</span></li>
   <li>Geleverde dienst: <span contenteditable>Overeengekomen dienst</span></li>                


li { margin-left: 25px; list-style-type: square;}

当我对表单的这一部分进行编码时,一个列表,当我在谷歌浏览器中本地打开它时,它完美显示:http: //i77.photobucket.com/albums/j64/kipendrecht/listoffline_zpsabe5ff34.jpg

但是当我将它上传到我的网络服务器并在线查看页面时,仍然在谷歌浏览器中,所有标记都消失了:http: //i77.photobucket.com/albums/j64/kipendrecht/listonline_zps5e3d8add.jpg



1 回答 1


There are only two possible causes for this problem:

  1. The CSS file didn't get included properly.
  2. You override the style, try using a more specific selector or eliminate the override.

The last one is more probable since the heading looks different, too.

Edit: Additionally, apply the list-style-type to the ul and make sure it has some padding if list-style-position is set to outside (Check out this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/aye2y/). This may be done by a CSS reset you only use online.

于 2013-01-21T15:49:51.783 回答