Each page of my site has a unique title. I'm repeating myself and adding code to multiple pages when I feel I can do this with a layout and helper. I'll show my working code and the solution I'm developing which is failing and I need some help on

Page titles are basically of this form:

<title>Company Name - Page Description</title>

Right now my layout does this:

<%= content_for?(:page_title) ? yield(:page_title) : default_page_title %>

I have a application helper method like this:

def default_page_title
    content_tag(:title, 'My Company Name - the default description here')   

then each page has something like this:

<% content_for(:page_title) do %>
    <%= content_tag(:title,'My Company Name - Page specific description here') %>
<% end %>

It works but I do not want to add these snippets to the top of every page... I also do not want to repeat "My Company Name - " on each page. I want to develop a solution where the page descriptions are all filled out in an application helper and the application layout selects the right one based on controller and action.

I'm working on a helper like below (failing for various reasons I hope someone can help me with):

def page_title
  content_tag(:title, "My Company Name - " + page_description )

  def page_description

    case params[:controller].params[:action]
    while public.index
    'Description for public controller index action'
    while public.contact
    'Description for public controller contact action'

This will allow me to make page specific changes to title in the application_helper instead of modifying each page.


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