在 vb6 中强制安装msflexgrid 列的最佳方法是什么?


Public Sub **FlexGrid_AutoSizeColumns (** ByRef pGrid As MSHFlexGrid, _  
                                ByRef pForm As Form, _  
                                Optional ByVal pIncludeHeaderRows As Boolean = True, _  
                                Optional ByVal pAllowShrink As Boolean = True, _  
                                Optional ByVal pMinCol As Long = 0, _  
                                Optional ByVal pMaxCol As Long = -1, _  
                                Optional ByVal pBorderSize As Long = 8, _  
Optional fitToScreen As Boolean = False **)**  

Dim lngMinCol As Long, lngMaxCol As Long, lngCurrRow As Long  
Dim lngMinRow As Long, lngMaxRow As Long, lngCurrCol As Long  
Dim lngMaxWidth As Long, lngCurrWidth As Long  
Dim fntFormFont As StdFont  
Dim totalWidth As Integer  
totalWidth = 0  

Set fntFormFont = New StdFont  
Call CopyFont(pForm.Font, fntFormFont)  

Call CopyFont(pGrid.Font, pForm.Font)  

    With pGrid  
        lngMinCol = pMinCol  
        lngMaxCol = IIf(pMaxCol = -1, .Cols - 1, pMaxCol)  
        lngMinRow = IIf(pIncludeHeaderRows, 0, .FixedRows)  
        lngMaxRow = .Rows - 1  

        For lngCurrCol = lngMinCol To lngMaxCol  
            lngMaxWidth = IIf(pAllowShrink, 0, pForm.ScaleX(.ColWidth(lngCurrCol), vbTwips, pForm.ScaleMode))  

            For lngCurrRow = lngMinRow To lngMaxRow   '..find widest text (in scalemode of the form)
                lngCurrWidth = pForm.TextWidth(Trim(.TextMatrix(lngCurrRow, lngCurrCol)))
                If lngMaxWidth < lngCurrWidth Then lngMaxWidth = lngCurrWidth
            Next lngCurrRow

           lngMaxWidth = pForm.ScaleX(lngMaxWidth, pForm.ScaleMode, vbTwips)
           .ColWidth(lngCurrCol) = lngMaxWidth + (pBorderSize * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
           totalWidth = .ColWidth(lngCurrCol) + totalWidth

       Next lngCurrCol
   End With

Call CopyFont(fntFormFont, pForm.Font)

    If fitToScreen = True Then
        Dim i As Integer
        Dim gridWidth As Long
        gridWidth = pGrid.Width
        For i = 0 To pGrid.Cols - 1
            pGrid.ColWidth(i) = Int(gridWidth * pGrid.ColWidth(i) / totalWidth)
    End If  



2 回答 2


我能想到的一种方法是调整列的大小(具有可见性)以适应列(文本)中的最大宽度。该函数返回 0 或双精度值。只要返回的最大列宽不为零,我们就可以相应地调整当前网格列宽。如果为零,则保持不变。

Dim i, j,  as Integer
Dim maxWidth as Double
For i = 0 to MsFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
      For j = 0 to MsFlexGrid1.Cols - 1
             maxWidth = maxColWidth(j)
             If maxWidth > 0 then
                MsFlexGrid.ColWidth(j) = maxWidth
             End If
      Next j
Next i

Private Function maxColWidth(coNum as Integer) as Double
Dim i, Max as Integer
Max = 0
    With MsFlexGrid1
         For i = .FixedRows to .Rows-1
              If TextWidth(.TextMatrix(i, colNum)) > Max Then
                   Max = TextWidth(.TextMatrix(i, colNum))
              End If
         Next i    
         maxColWidth = Max
    End With
End Function
于 2013-01-21T10:11:55.820 回答


'1 form with :
'    1 msflexgrid : name=MSFlexGrid1
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Dim intCol As Integer
  'example form and grid configuration
  Move 0, 0, 10000, 5000
  With MSFlexGrid1
    .FixedRows = 0
    .FixedCols = 0
    .Rows = 10
    .Cols = 10
    For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
      .ColWidth(intCol) = (intCol + 1) * 107
    Next intCol
  End With 'MSFlexGrid1
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
  MSFlexGrid1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight
End Sub

Private Sub MSFlexGrid1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub DistributeWidth()
  Dim intCol As Integer, intColSel As Integer
  Dim lngWidth As Long
  Dim lngRemaining As Long
  Dim lngExpand As Long
  With MSFlexGrid1
    intColSel = .Col                                          'remember selected column
    .Col = 0                                                  'select first column to ...
    lngWidth = .Width - .CellLeft * 2                         '... take flexgrid-borders into account
    .Col = intColSel                                          'select column again
    lngRemaining = lngWidth - InUse                           'calculate the remaining space
    If lngRemaining > 0 Then
      lngExpand = lngRemaining \ .Cols                        'distribute the remaining space over the columns
      For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
        .ColWidth(intCol) = .ColWidth(intCol) + lngExpand
      Next intCol
      lngExpand = lngRemaining Mod .Cols
      .ColWidth(.Cols - 1) = .ColWidth(.Cols - 1) + lngExpand 'since we are working with longs, apply the remaining fraction to the last column
      'what to do with lack of space? Shrink columns or expand grid or nothing?
    End If
  End With 'MSFlexGrid1
End Sub

Private Function InUse() As Long
'calculate how much of the gridwidth is already in use by the columns
  Dim intCol As Integer
  Dim lngInUse As Long
  With MSFlexGrid1
    lngInUse = 0
    For intCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
      lngInUse = lngInUse + .ColWidth(intCol)
    Next intCol
  End With 'MSFlexGrid1
  InUse = lngInUse
End Function



于 2013-01-22T08:27:09.503 回答