在 vb6 中强制安装msflexgrid 列的最佳方法是什么?
Public Sub **FlexGrid_AutoSizeColumns (** ByRef pGrid As MSHFlexGrid, _
ByRef pForm As Form, _
Optional ByVal pIncludeHeaderRows As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal pAllowShrink As Boolean = True, _
Optional ByVal pMinCol As Long = 0, _
Optional ByVal pMaxCol As Long = -1, _
Optional ByVal pBorderSize As Long = 8, _
Optional fitToScreen As Boolean = False **)**
Dim lngMinCol As Long, lngMaxCol As Long, lngCurrRow As Long
Dim lngMinRow As Long, lngMaxRow As Long, lngCurrCol As Long
Dim lngMaxWidth As Long, lngCurrWidth As Long
Dim fntFormFont As StdFont
Dim totalWidth As Integer
totalWidth = 0
Set fntFormFont = New StdFont
Call CopyFont(pForm.Font, fntFormFont)
Call CopyFont(pGrid.Font, pForm.Font)
With pGrid
lngMinCol = pMinCol
lngMaxCol = IIf(pMaxCol = -1, .Cols - 1, pMaxCol)
lngMinRow = IIf(pIncludeHeaderRows, 0, .FixedRows)
lngMaxRow = .Rows - 1
For lngCurrCol = lngMinCol To lngMaxCol
lngMaxWidth = IIf(pAllowShrink, 0, pForm.ScaleX(.ColWidth(lngCurrCol), vbTwips, pForm.ScaleMode))
For lngCurrRow = lngMinRow To lngMaxRow '..find widest text (in scalemode of the form)
lngCurrWidth = pForm.TextWidth(Trim(.TextMatrix(lngCurrRow, lngCurrCol)))
If lngMaxWidth < lngCurrWidth Then lngMaxWidth = lngCurrWidth
Next lngCurrRow
lngMaxWidth = pForm.ScaleX(lngMaxWidth, pForm.ScaleMode, vbTwips)
.ColWidth(lngCurrCol) = lngMaxWidth + (pBorderSize * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX)
totalWidth = .ColWidth(lngCurrCol) + totalWidth
Next lngCurrCol
End With
Call CopyFont(fntFormFont, pForm.Font)
If fitToScreen = True Then
Dim i As Integer
Dim gridWidth As Long
gridWidth = pGrid.Width
For i = 0 To pGrid.Cols - 1
pGrid.ColWidth(i) = Int(gridWidth * pGrid.ColWidth(i) / totalWidth)
End If