流程是这样的,登录(login.php)->更改密码(changepass.php),每个用户都必须更改密码->重定向到主页(homepage.php),用户可以在其中查看他/她的帐户详细信息。 ...我在主页上想要的是,根据用户的信息或学生ID及其全名向用户致意,但只有我可以显示用户的学生ID,因为我回显会话。这是我的 homepage.php 代码

       <?php session_start(); ?>
       <?php require('connect/connect.php'); ?>
       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"                 "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
       <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
      <title>Home Page</title>

    <link href="mm_spa.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

         <body class="oneColElsCtrHdr">

      <td width="487" valign="top">

    // this is the session id where i could only get from the user(student id)
echo $_SESSION['username'];
$voter = $_SESSION['username'];
function getuserinfo($info){

$info_select = mysql_query ("SELECT `$info` FROM new_reg_student WHERE studid='$voter'");

     //this is my line 116 which i got an error saying 
     //Warning: mysql_query() expects parameter 1 to be string, 
     //resource given in C:\xampp\htdocs\project\homepage.php on line 116
if ($query_get = mysql_query($info_select)) { 

if ($result = mysql_result($query_get, 0, $info)) {
return $result;

$fname = getuserinfo('fname');
$lname = getuserinfo('lname');
echo 'hello '. $fname .' '.$lname.'';


    <div id="footer">
    <!-- end #footer --></div>
  <!-- end #container --></div>

这是我的 homepage.php 的预览



2 回答 2



$info_select = mysql_query ("SELECT ... ");

$info_select = "SELECT..."; //remove mysql_query from here
if ($query_get = mysql_query($info_select)) { //as you have it here

注意:不推荐使用 mysql_*,而是使用MySQLiPDO_MySQL

于 2013-01-21T03:57:33.090 回答

您没有将 传递studid到您的getuserinfo($info)函数中,并且在您的查询中使用$voter了您在函数外部定义的,global如果您想从函数外部访问变量,请使用。

$voter = $_SESSION['username'];

function getuserinfo($info){

// Call the Student ID
global $voter;

$info_select = "SELECT $info FROM new_reg_student 
                    WHERE studid='".mysql_real_escape_string($voter)."'";

if ($query_get = mysql_query($info_select)) { 
} // Function Close
于 2013-01-21T04:12:35.277 回答