//when the mouse is dragged and component selected is not null, continue
if (componentName != null) {
//get the current mouse x and y assuming that it was clicked from the middle of the component
mouseX = e.getX() - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getWidth() / 2;
mouseY = e.getY() - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getHeight() / 2;
//get the direction of the selected component
direction = group.get(mapsIndex)[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].updown(Integer.toString(Integer.parseInt(componentName)));
//if the direction is horizontal, make sure that the object is not dragged off the screen (right and left)
if (direction == true) {
if (mouseX < 50) {
mouseX = 50;
} else if (mouseX > 50 * 7 - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getWidth()) {
mouseX = 50 * 7 - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getWidth();
//get the location of the mouse for the y axis
mouseY = carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getY();
//if the direction is vertical, make sure that the object is not dragged off the top and bottom of the screen
} else {
if (mouseY < 50) {
mouseY = 50;
} else if (mouseY > 50 * 7 - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getHeight()) {
mouseY = 50 * 7 - carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getHeight();
//get the location of the mouse for the x axis
mouseX = carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getX();
//find the area that the selected object occupies
Rectangle or = carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getBounds();
//go through all other components
for (int x = 0; x < max; x++) {
//as long as the comparison is not made with itself or a nonexistant object, continue
if (x != Integer.parseInt(componentName) && carImage[x] != null) {
//get the area that the compared object occupies
Rectangle collide = carImage[x].getBounds();
//if the two areas intersect, make the selected car go back to where it was
if (or.intersects(collide)) {
mouseX = carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getX();
mouseY = carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].getY();
//update the component's location to where the mouse is
carImage[Integer.parseInt(componentName)].setLocation(mouseX, mouseY);