I need to add a web reference in Visual Studio 2012 (because service reference generates a blank reference CS and I have given up after hours of googling).

When I go to add the web reference (add service referenceadvancedadd web reference) and enter the WSDL URL I get the IE Notification Bar in the dialog with the message:

To help protect your security, your web browser has blocked this site from downloading files to your computer. The option to "Download file" does not work.

I've changed IE security settings to minimum and added the domain to the list of trusted sites but did not have any effect. I also uninstalled IE10 completely and still get the notification bar. I am using Windows 8.

Anyone shed any light on this or had any success adding a web reference in VS 2012?


1 回答 1


如果您可以使用浏览器下载 WSDL,请将其下载并保存到文件中。然后,您可以通过将其指向该文件从 Visual Studio 中引用它。或者,您可以使用svcutil.exewsdl.exe从命令行生成代理。

于 2013-01-21T00:15:29.987 回答