
对于此示例,我只查看 2-tag 示例(tag-tag),我应该得到一个结果示例,例如:“point”+“curve”(65 个条目)“add”+“subtract”(40 个条目) ...

这是 SQL 语句中的预期结果:

SELECT a.tag, b.tag, count(*)
FROM examquestions.dbmanagement_tag as a
INNER JOIN examquestions.dbmanagement_tag as b on a.question_id_id = b.question_id_id
where a.tag != b.tag
group by a.tag, b.tag


我尝试使用 django 查询集进行类似的查询:

    twotaglist = [] #final set of results

    alphatags = tag.objects.all().values('tag', 'type').annotate().order_by('tag')
    betatags = tag.objects.all().values('tag', 'type').annotate().order_by('tag')
    startindex = 0 #startindex reduced by 1 to shorten betatag range each time the atag changes. this is to reduce the double count of comparison of similar matches of tags
    for atag in alphatags:
        for btag in betatags[startindex:]:
            if (atag['tag'] != btag['tag']):
                commonQns = [] #to check how many common qns
                atagQns = tag.objects.filter(tag=atag['tag'], question_id__in=qnlist).values('question_id').annotate()
                btagQns = tag.objects.filter(tag=btag['tag'], question_id__in=qnlist).values('question_id').annotate()
                for atagQ in atagQns:
                    for btagQ in btagQns:
                        if (atagQ['question_id'] == btagQ['question_id']):
                if (len(commonQns) > 0):
                    twotaglist.append({'atag': atag['tag'],
                                        'btag': btag['tag'],
                                        'count': len(commonQns)})


目前,查询大约 5K X 5K 标签比较需要大约 45 秒 :(


class tag(models.Model):
    id = models.IntegerField('id',primary_key=True,null=False)
    question_id = models.ForeignKey(question,null=False)
    tag = models.TextField('tag',null=True)
    type = models.CharField('type',max_length=1)

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.tag)

2 回答 2



relevant_tags = Tag.objects.filter(question_id__in=qnlist)
#Here relevant_tags has both a and b tags

unique_tags = set()
for tag_item in relevant_tags:

#unique_tags should have your A and B tags

a_tag = unique_tags.pop()
b_tag = unique_tags.pop() 

#Some logic to make sure what is A and what is B

a_tags = filter(lambda t : t.tag == a_tag, relevant_tags)
b_tags = filter(lambda t : t.tag == b_tag, relevant_tags)

#a_tags and b_tags contain A and B tags filtered from relevant_tags

same_question_tags = dict()

for q in qnlist:
  a_list = filter(lambda a: a.question_id == q.id, a_tags)
  b_list = filter(lambda a: a.question_id == q.id, b_tags)
  same_question_tags[q] = a_list+b_list

这样做的好处是,您可以通过在循环中迭代返回的标签以获取所有唯一标签,然后进一步迭代以明智地将它们过滤掉,将其扩展到 N 个标签。


于 2013-01-20T10:06:44.650 回答

不幸的是,除非涉及外键(或一对一),否则 django 不允许加入。您将不得不在代码中执行此操作。我找到了一种方法(完全未经测试),只需一个查询即可显着缩短执行时间。

from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations

# Assuming Models
class Question(models.Model):

class Tag(models.Model):
    tag = models.CharField(..)
    question = models.ForeignKey(Question, related_name='tags')

c = Counter()
questions = Question.objects.all().prefetch_related('tags') # prefetch M2M
for q in questions:
    # sort them so 'point' + 'curve' == 'curve' + 'point'
    tags = sorted([tag.name for tag in q.tags.all()])
    c.update(combinations(tags,2)) # get all 2-pair combinations and update counter
c.most_common(5) # show the top 5

上面的代码使用了Countersitertools.combinationsdjango prefetch_related,它们应该涵盖了上面可能未知的大部分位。如果上面的代码不能完全工作,请查看这些资源,并进行相应的修改。

如果您没有在模型上使用 M2M 字段,您仍然可以通过使用反向关系Question来访问标签,就像它是 M2M 字段一样。请参阅我将反向关系从 更改为 的编辑。我已经进行了一些其他编辑,这些编辑应该适用于您定义模型的方式。tag_settags

如果您不指定related_name='tags',那么只需更改tags过滤器和 prefetch_related totag_set就可以了。

于 2013-01-20T11:49:21.310 回答